Inventions-General Knowledge questions and answers

Inventions-General Knowledge questions and answers
21. The blooding paper absorbs liquids because
A. It is white
B. It has got small pores
C. An absorbing chemical is mixed
D. None of the above
22. The instrument useful for the study of germs is
A. Periscope
B. Cardiograph
C. Microscope
D. Stethoscope
23. Lactometer is used to determine
A. Purity of petrol
B. Hydrogen in water
C. Purity of milk
D. None of these
24. Numismatics is
A. Study of coins
B. Study of stamps
C. Study of numbers
D. Study of butterflies
25. Crude petroleum is refined by the use of
A. Citric acid
B. Bleaching powder
C. Sulphuric acid
D. Hydrochloric acid
26. Penicillin was invented by Fleming in the year
A. 1842
B. 1929
C. 1945
D. 1951
27. Fax machine was invented by
A. Daimler
B. Dewar
C. Bain
D. None of these
28. Crescograph is an instrument to record
A. age of earth
B. plant growth
C. the age of star
D. none of these
29. The most abundant element on the earth crust is
A. calcium
B. aluminium
C. silicon
D. oxygen
30. Deficiency of iodine cause
A. fever
B. thyroid malfunction
C. indigestion
D. skin disease
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