Ancient Indian History Objective Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

History questons
41. “The king was the ruler of all except Brahamanas”. This was the view of __?
[A] Manu
[B] Yajnavalkya
[C] Apasthamba
[D] Gautama
Ans . D
42. For which among the following offenses, Manu recommended higher punishment to Brahamans than the persons of other varnas?
[A] Profanity
[B] Murder
[C] Theft
[D] Treason
Ans . C
43. Metronymics were borne by the later rulers of which among the following dynasties?
[A] Maurya
[B] Sunga
[C] Kanva
[D] Satavahana
Ans . D
44. One of the writers of the Dharmashashtra disapproved the practice of Sati declaring it as an act of suicide. Identify him from the given options:
[A] Angiras
[B] Medhatithi
[C] Usana
[D] Visnu
Ans . B
45. Vallabhi era is identical with which of the following era?
[A] The Vikrama era
[B] The Gupta era
[C] The Harsha era
[D] None of the above
Ans . B
46. The cotton cloth worn by Indians had a brighter white colour than any cotton found elsewhere. This view was recorded by __?
[A] Alexander
[B] Megasthenes
[C] Nearchus
[D] Pliny
Ans . B
47. Which among the following is / are the terms used for coins of the Gupta period?
1. Dinara
2. Dramma
3. Rupaka
4. Suvarna
Choose the correct answer from the codes given below:
[A] 4 only
[B] 2, 3
[C] 1, 4
[D] 1, 2, 3, 4
Ans . C
48. The Kushans issues the coins made of __?
1. Gold
2. Silver
3. Copper
Choose the correct option from the codes given below:
[A] Only 1
[B] Only 1 & 2
[C] Only 1 & 3
[D] 1, 2 & 3
Ans . D
49. The last Mauryan ruler, who was killed by his Commander-in-Chief was __?
[A] Dasaratha
[B] Kun-ala
[C] Samprati
[D] Brihadratha
Ans . D
50. According to the beliefs of the Pasupata sect, Siva is the lord of Pasu. Pasu here refers to __?
[A] Lion
[B] Bull
[C] Parvati
[D] Jiva
Ans . D