Bank Exams Practice Question and Answer
8 Q: 18 H on GC?
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1833 05b5cc607e4d2b4197774b533
5b5cc607e4d2b4197774b533- 1sstrue
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Answer : 1. "ss"
Explanation :
The given letters equation states that 18 H on a GC means 18 Holes on a Golf Course.
Q: The shadow zone exists because 2455 05b5cc607e4d2b4197774b55d
5b5cc607e4d2b4197774b55d- Show Answer
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Answer :
Explanation :
The shadow zone is the area of the earth from angular distances of 104 to 140 degrees from a given earthquake that does not receive any direct P waves. The shadow zone results from S waves being stopped entirely by the liquid core and P waves being bent (refracted) by the liquid core. There are two types of Shadow zones: one for P waves and one for S waves. P wave shadows between 104-140 degree, both sides; S wave shadow from 105 of one side to 105 of the other.
Q: Which of these is not a simple machine? 3143 15b5cc607e4d2b4197774b55e
5b5cc607e4d2b4197774b55e- 1a pair of scissorstrue
- 2a leverfalse
- 3a rampfalse
- 4the pulleyfalse
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Answer : 1. "a pair of scissors"
Explanation :
Answer: A) a pair of scissors Explanation: Any of the basic mechanical devices for applying a force are called simple machines. There are 6 basic simple machines; the lever, the wheel and axle, the inclined plane, the wedge, the pulley, and the screw. Several of these simple machines are related to each other. But, each has a specific purpose in the world of doing work.
Q: The ratio of two positive numbers is 3 : 5 and the average of the number is 48. What is the product of numbers? 2953 15b5cc607e4d2b4197774b558
5b5cc607e4d2b4197774b558- 13365false
- 22160true
- 31854false
- 41632false
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Answer : 2. "2160"
Explanation :
Answer: B) 2160 Explanation: Let the number be 3p and 5p ATQ, 8p = 2 x 48 p = 96/8 p = 12 The numbers are 36 and 60. Hence, the product of the numbers = 36 x 60 = 2160.
Q: Find the wrong number in the given number series? 10, 21, 54, 109, 189 9088 05b5cc607e4d2b4197774b553
5b5cc607e4d2b4197774b553- 1189true
- 2109false
- 354false
- 421false
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Answer : 1. "189"
Explanation :
Answer: A) 189 Explanation: The given number series is 10, 21, 54, 109, 189 The series follows a pattern that 10 + 11 = 21 21 + 33 = 54 54 + 55 = 109 109 + 77 = 186 Hence the wrong number in the given number series is 189.
Q: What element behaves most like magnesium? 2692 05b5cc60ae4d2b4197774b568
5b5cc60ae4d2b4197774b568- 1Siliconfalse
- 2Strontiumtrue
- 3Sulphurfalse
- 4Tinfalse
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Answer : 2. "Strontium"
Explanation :
Answer: B) Strontium Explanation: We know that, Elements in the same group of the periodic table have similar characteristics. Here Magnesium and Strontium shared some similar properties because they both belong to the same group. Sr is the chemical symbol for strontium which is a group two element; it has atomic number of 38.
Q: What base is found in RNA but not in DNA? 2395 05b5cc60ae4d2b4197774b56d
5b5cc60ae4d2b4197774b56d- 1Uraciltrue
- 2Cytosinefalse
- 3Adeninefalse
- 4Guaninefalse
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Answer : 1. "Uracil"
Explanation :
Answer: A) Uracil Explanation: Uracil is not found in DNA but found in RNA.
Q: A compass always points to 2667 25b5cc60ae4d2b4197774b572
5b5cc60ae4d2b4197774b572- 1Northfalse
- 2Magnetic northtrue
- 3Magnetic Southfalse
- 4Southfalse
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Answer : 2. "Magnetic north"
Explanation :
Answer: B) Magnetic north Explanation: Wherever on earth we hold a compass, the needle points towards the magnetic North Pole. A compass is a great tool for navigation. Compass is widely used in aircrafts, ships, military services,...