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Average Questions and Answers for Bank Exams and SSC

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Average questions and answersAverage questions and answers

Objective Types Average Problems: Average Questions and Answers

Q.6 The average of 12 results is 15, and the average of the first two is 14. What is the average of rest?

(A) 14.2

(B) 15

(C) 15.2

(D) 14

The correct answer is option (C)


Q.7 The average temperature for Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday was 40 degree Celsius. The average for Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday was 41 degree Celsius, and that for Thursday being 45 degree Celsius. What was the temperature on Monday?

(A) 42 degree

(B) 50 degree

(C) 45 degree

(D) 40 degree

The correct answer is option (A)

Q.8 A batsman has a certain average of runs for 16 innings. In the 17th innings, he makes a score of 85 runs, thereby increasing the average by 3, what is the average before the 17th innings?

(A) 30

(B) 32

(C) 34

(D) 35

The correct answer is option (C)

Q.9 Three years ago, the average age of Nandu and Panna was 18 years. With Shubha joining them now their average age became 22 years. How old is Shubha now?

(A) 27

(B) 28

(C) 24

(D) 25

The correct answer is option (C)

Q.10 The average of 2, 7, 6 and X is 5 and the average of 18, 1, 6, X and Y is 10. What is the value of Y?

(A) 20

(B) 30

(C) 10

(D) 5

The correct answer is option (D)

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