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Basic Computer Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

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Basic Computer Questions and Answers:

Q.25. Which device is used to back up the data?

(A) Floppy Disk      


(C)Network Drive.      

(D)All of the above

(E)None of these

Ans .  D

Q.26. A half byte is known as_____.

(A) data


(C)half byte


(E)None of these

Ans .  D

Q.27.The translator which perform macro expansion is called a

(A) Macro processor

(B) Macro pre-processor

(C) Micro pre-processor

(D) Assembler

Ans .  B

Q.28.A program in execution is called

(A) Process

(B) Instruction

(C) Procedure

(D) Function

Ans .  A

Q.29.Assembler is a machine dependent, because of?

(A) Argument list array(ALA)

(B) Macro definition table(MDT)

(C) Pseudo operation table(POT)

(D) Mnemonics operation table(MOT)

Ans .  D

Q.30. URL stands for:

(A) Uniform Resource Locator

(B) Uniform Resource Library

(C) United Resource Locators

(D) None of these

Ans .  A

Q.31. Benefits of Email are:

(A) Speed

(B) Cost

(C) Record Keeping

(D) All of the Above

Ans .  D

Q.32. WWW provides standardized access to:




(D) All of the above

Ans .  D

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