Science comes from the Latin word "Scientia" meaning "knowledge" and thus the term General Science and Basic Science are described because science is related to the phenomenon we regularly encounter in our way of life. Nowadays sorts of conceptual questions are asked within the examinations supported by basic concepts of Physics, Chemistry & Biology. Questions supported lifestyle phenomena are more important for all competitive exams.
Here, I am sharing Basic Science General Knowledge Questions and Answers associated with Biology, Chemistry, Physics, and Environment Science for those aspirants who are preparing for competitive exams. you'll be able to cover your Basic Science knowledge to read this blog.
Students can easily get free General Knowledge Mock Test and Current Affairs Mock Test on this platform for online exam practice to obtain good marks in the competitive exams.
Q :
What is the main function of white blood cells?
(A) To destroy the harmful excretory substances produced in the body
(B) distributing heat
(C) helping the blood to clot
(D) destroying bacteria
In tall plants, the most necessary force in pulling water up is?
(A) electromagnetic force
(B) coercive force of water
(C) osmotic force
(D) inductive force
Latex is not found in which of the following plants?
(A) Papaya
(B) Banyan
(C) Aak or Madar
(D) Neem
Geodesic satellite studies?
(A) age of the earth
(B) Earth's geological sources
(C) movement of clouds
(D) Earth's size
Which of the following disease is the deadliest?
(A) smallpox
(B) Polio
(C) Malaria
The smallest endocrine gland is?
(A) Piyush (Pituitary)
(B) Paravatu (Parathyroid)
(C) adrenal adrenal
(D) testis
The height of the ionosphere is in kilometers?
(A) 1 km
(B) 10 km
(C) 100 km
(D) 1000 km
Does fertilization take place in Mammals?
(A) in the uterine canal
(B) in the uterus
(C) in the urethra
(D) in the ovary
Who are Enzymes?
(A) Microorganisms
(B) Protein
(C) mildew
(D) Inorganic Compounds
The catalyst used in the hydrogenation of vegetable oil is?
(A) Iron
(B) Platinum
(C) Copper
(D) Nickel
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