What is the main factor of rust in iron?
(A) oxygen
(B) Hydrogen
(C) Nitrogen
(D) Neon
Blood group was discovered by -
(A) Karl Landsteiner
(B) Pavlov
(C) Alexander Fleming
(D) William Harvey
Cooking vessels have wooden or bakelite handles because–
(A) the handle must be strong
(B) wood and bakelite are bad conductors of heat
(C) the handle should be attractive
(D) None of the above
When we go upstairs in the atmosphere?
(A) heat is low and pressure increases
(B) temperature increases and pressure decreases
(C) Both temperature and pressure increase
(D) Both temperature and pressure decrease
By whom is the focus distance corrected in the eye lens?
(A) Ratina
(B) iris
(C) ciliary muscles
(D) Carnia
Dry ice is solid.
(A) Carbon monoxide
(B) Carbon dioxide
(C) Sulfur dioxide
(D) Hydrogen peroxide
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