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Biology GK Questions - Biology General Knowledge questions for Competitive Exams

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Zoology GK Question

Q.61 Which one among the following glands is present in pairs in human body?

(A) Adrenal

(B) Liver

(C) Pancreas

(D) Pineal

Ans .   A

Q.62 During the process of respiration in human beings, the exchange of gases takes place in

(A) bronchi

(B) alveoli

(C) bronchiole

(D) pleura

Ans .   B

Q.63 Which one of the glands in human body produces the growth hormone (Somatotropin)?

(A) Adrenal

(B) Pancrease

(C) Pituitary

(D) Thyroid

Ans .   C

Q.64 Which one of the following is a pigment?

(A) Albumin

(B) Elastin

(C) Keratin

(D) Melanin

Ans .   D

Q.65 In human beings, the opening of the stomach into the small intestine is called

(A) caecum

(B) ileum

(C) oesophagus

(D) pylorus

Ans .   D

Q.66 In which part of the human body do we find the islet of langerhans?

(A) brain

(B) pancreas

(C) kidney

(D) liver

Ans .   B

Q.67 Cell or tissue death within a living body is called as

(A) Neutrophilia

(B) Nephrosis

(C) Necrosis

(D) Neoplasia

Ans .   C

Q.68 Which part of the human eye is transplanted from a dead donor to a living person?

(A) cornea

(B) retina

(C) iris

(D) sclera

Ans .   A

Q.69 In the human body, nails are made up of

(A) melanin

(B) keratin

(C) enamel

(D) cartilage

Ans .   B

Q.70 Sweating during exercise indicates operation of which one of the following processes in the human body?

(A) Enthalpy

(B) Homeostasis

(C) Phagocytosis

(D) Osmoregulation

Ans .   B

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