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Jainism and Buddhism GK Questions

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Q :  

“Desire is the cause of all sufferings”. Which religion promoted this?

(A) Buddhism

(B) Jainism

(C) Sikhism

(D) Hinduism

Correct Answer : A
Explanation :

Buddist believes that Desire is the cause of all sufferings.

Four noble truths of Buddhism are (a) Sorrow (b) sorrow Community (c) sorrow detention and (d) eight fold path.

Q :  

The first metal coins appeared in –

(A) Harappan Period

(B) Later Vedic Age

(C) During the time of Buddha

(D) During the time of Mauryan

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

The first metal coins appeared in the time of Buddha and they are called ‘Punchmark’ and ‘Aahat’. Those mainly are made up of silver but some are of copper also. They are called Aahat because many symbols are inscribed on them. Such coins are Found in all over the country from Taxila to Magadha to Mysore.

Q :  

Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha together are known as.

(A) Triratna

(B) Trivarga

(C) Trisarga

(D) Trimurti

Correct Answer : A
Explanation :

Triratna of Buddhism are Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. Sangha has important place in Buddhism. After giving his first sermon in Sarnath, Buddha established ‘Sangha’ with Five Brahmin disciples

Q :  

In which language were the ‘Early Buddist Texts’ composed?

(A) Prakrit

(B) Pali

(C) Sanskrit

(D) Pictographic

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

Early Buddhist Texts were composed in Pali language. At that time, Pali was the language of general people. Later, Buddist Texts were written in Sanskrit also.

Q :  

Where did the Buddha attain enlightenment?

(A) Sarnath

(B) Bodh Gaya

(C) Kapilvastu

(D) Rajgriha

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

Buddha attained enlightenment in Bodhgaya.

Q :  

Which language was mostly used for the propagation of Buddhism ?

(A) Sanskrit

(B) Prakrit

(C) Pali

(D) Sauraseni

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

Early Buddhist Texts were composed in Pali language. At that time, Pali was the language of general people. Later, Buddist Texts were written in Sanskrit also.

Q :  

The ancient university of India was established at –

(A) Varanasi

(B) Gaya

(C) Nalanda

(D) Taxila

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

In India, Nalanda university was established in 5th century by KumarGupta first (415-455 AD). The famous chinese Traveller Hsuan Tsang lived there and studied for 18 months. At that time ‘Sheel Bhadra Yajee’ was the chancellor of Nalanda university. The famous scholars of this university were ‘Chandragomina’ ‘Shantirakshit’ and Kashmiri monk ‘Padmasambhava’

Q :  

Which among the followings is the sacred book of the  Buddhists?

(A) Upanishad

(B) Vedas

(C) Tripitaka

(D) Jatakas

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

Tripitaka is the sacred book of Buddist. Tripitaka contains three baskets of techings, a Sutra Pitaka, a Vinaya Pitaka and An Abhidharme Pitaka. Union of monks and their daily life are certain facts that are mentioned in Vinaya Pataka.

Q :  

In Buddhism, ‘Bull’ is related to what incident of Buddha’s life?

(A) Birth

(B) Mahabhiniskramana

(C) Enlightenment

(D) Mahaparinirvana

Correct Answer : A
Explanation :

In Buddhism, Lotus and Bull is related to Birth, Horse is related to Mahabhiniskramana, Banyan tree is related to Nirvna (enlightenment) and Stupa is related to Death.

Q :  

Which one of the followings was the last Buddhist text produced In India?

(A) Divya Vandana

(B) Dohakosa

(C) Vajrachedika

(D) Vamsathapakasini

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :

Vamsathapakasini is among the last Buddist text produced in India. It gives us information about the origin of the Mauryas. It was composed in 10th century.

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