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Model question papers Computer Awareness for Bank Exams

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Model question papers Computer Awareness for Bank PO , IBPS , Bank Clerical Exams, SBI and all other exams Paper-4

Computer Awareness for Bank PO , IBPS , Bank Clerical Exams, SBI and all other Banking exams, RBI, SBI and other Banking Recruitment Examinations of 2013 and 2014.

Model question papers for Bank PO, SBI , IBPS exams, Sample questions papers, very important questions Very important questions Computer Awareness for Bank PO , IBPS , Bank Clerical Exams, SBI and all other exams, important computer gk questions, very important computer related questions for bank exams, very important computer related questions for Bank PO, SBI PO, IBPS

31. The first all electronic digital computer developed by Mauchly and Eckert around 1946 is

A. Apple
B. IBM pc

32. A translator that reads programs written in a high level language and converts them into machine language code is

A. Operating system
B. System software
C. Compiler
D. None of these

33. Following software cannot be categorized as application software

A. Data base management(DBM)
B. Spreadsheet
C. Word processing

34. EFF sites allows anonymous FTP that

A. Is a none access file
B. Requires password or access
C. Do not require a password or access
D. None of these

35. A unit of a computer system that interprets instructions and executes them is known as

A. Peripherals
B. Storage
C. Processor
D. None of these

36. Systematic access of computers in a distributed data processing system is referred as

A. Polling
B. Multiplexing
C. Dialed service
D. Conversational mode

37. A sub division of main storage created by operating system software is referred to as

A. Divided core
B. Partition
C. Time shared program
D. Compartment

38. The number system on which the modern computers operate

A. Octal number system
B. Binary number system
C. Decimal number system
D. Hexadecimal number system

39. Every piece of information is stored in the computer memory in terms of

A. Digital
B. Character
C. Zeros and ones
D. Character and digits

40. Which device can understand the difference between data and programs?

A. Memory
B. Microprocessor
C. Input device
D. Output device

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