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Computer Science Questions and Answers for Bank Exams

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Computer System QuestionsComputer System Questions

Important Computer Science Questions and answers:

Q.11 If a microcomputer operates at 5 MHz with an 8 bit bus and a newer version operates at 20 MHz with a 32 bit bus, the maximum speed up possible approximately will be……

(A) 2

(B) 4

(C) 6

(D) 16

Ans .  D

To know more about SSC Exam Pattern ssc-cgl-exam-2017-2018

Q.12 Index register in a microprocessor is used for….

(A) indirect addressing

(B) pointing to the stack address

(C) address modification

(D) keeping track of the number of time a loop is executed

Ans .  C

Q.13 The sequence of events that happen during a typical operation.

(A) PC MAR memory MDR IR

(B) PC Memory MDR IR

(C) PC Memory IR

(D) PC MAR Memory IR

Ans .  A

Q.14 A byte addressable computer has memory capacity of 2m bytes add confirm 2n operations. An instruction involving 3 operands and operator needs a maximum of….

(A) 3m hits

(B) 3m + n hits

(C) m + n hits

(D) none of these

Ans .  D

Q.15 In the previous problem if the computer is word addressable with the word size being 8 bytes, then the answer will be……

(A) 3m hits

(B) 3m + n hits

(C) m + n hits

(D) none of these

Ans .  D

Q.16 The addressing mode used in an instruction of the form ADD X, Y is….

(A) absolute

(B) immediate

(C) indirect

(D) index

Ans .  A

Q.17 Which of the following units cannot be used to measure the speed of computer?





Ans .  D

Q.18 A set of related program is called.

(A) script

(B) arrays

(C) stacks

(D) package

Ans .  D

Q.19 Program status word (PSW) contains various (different) status of….



(C) program

(D) registers

Ans .  A

Q.20 Microprogramming is designing of….




(D) Control Units

Ans .  D

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