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Computer System Overview Questions and Answers for Competitive Exams

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Computer System Overview QuestionsComputer System Overview Questions

Computer System Overview Questions and Answers:

Q.11 How many and what are the machine cycles needed for execution of PUSH B?

(A) a, fetch and memory write

(B) 3, fetch, and 2 memory write

(C) 3, fetch, memory write and read

(D) 3, fetch and 2 memory read

Ans .  B

Q.12 Which of the following register pairs can be directly stored in memory?

(A) BC

(B) DE

(C) HL

(D) All of these

Ans .  C

To know more about: Multiple Choice Questions for Data Communication

Q.13 An active low signal inta is not needed from microprocessor to service which of the following interrupt request?



(C) RST 7.5

(D) RST 5.5

Ans .  A

Q.14 Which of the following interrupts has the highest priority?

(A)RST 6.5

(B) RST 7.5



Ans .  C

Q.15 Microprogramming is a technique for….

(A) programming the microprocessor

(B) writing small programs effectively

(C) programming the control steps of a computer

(D) programming output/input routines

Ans .  C

Q.16 Parallel operation is preferred because…

(A) it is faster than series operation

(B) it requires less memory

(C) circuitry simple

(D) all of these

Ans .  A

Q.17 What is the addressing mode used in instruction L x I B 0345H?

(A) Direct

(B) Indirect

(C) indexed

(D) immediate

Ans .  D

Q.18 Contents of stack pointer specify….

(A) address of the bottom of stack

(B) address of the top of stack

(C) contents of the bottom of stack

(D) contents of the top of stack

Ans .  B

Q.19 Sum of weights in self-complementing BCD code is

(A) 8

 (B) 9

(C) 10

(D) 16

Ans .  B

Q.20 Intel 8080 microprocessor has an instruction set of 91 instructions. The opcode to implement this instruction set should be minimum….

(A) 91-bit long

(B) 8-bit long

(C) 7-bit long

(D) 5-bit long

Ans .  C

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