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Current Affairs and Gk -April 2013 Part-2

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Current Affairs and Gk -April 2013

Important current affairs and Gk questions of April month for IAS, RAS, SSC CGL, UPSC, BANK PO, UPSC,RPSC, Bank exams and all other exams.If you like the post kindly give rating.
This questions are useful for any competitive exam like IAS, bank PO, SSC CGL, RAS, CDS, UPSC exams and all state related exams.

91. In a recent verdict, the Supreme Court has allowed translocation of Asiatic lions from Gujarat’s Gir sanctuary to a new home in which among the following states?


[B]Madhya Pradesh


[D]Andhra Pradesh

Madhya Pradesh
The Supreme Court has allowed translocation of Asiatic lions from Gujarat’s Gir sanctuary to Madhya Pradesh. The apex court said that the species is under threat of extinction and needs a second home. A bench of Justices KS Radhakrishnan and CK Prasad has given six months time to the wildlife authorities concerned for translocating the lions. (AIR News)

92. Nicolás Maduro has recently won the Presidential Elections in which among the following countries?





Nicolás Maduro Moros is the new President of Venezuela from 14 April 2013. He previously was the Vice President of Venezuela and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Maduro became interim President following the death of Hugo Chávez.

93. He previously was the Vice President of Venezuela and the Minister of Foreign Affairs. Maduro became interim President following the death of Hugo Chávez.

[A]Only 1

[B]Only 1 & 2

[C]Only 1 & 3

[D]1, 2 & 3

Only 1 & 2
So far India has concluded the following trade agreements.

94. The Meetei Mayek script is used to write which among the following Indian languages?





Meetei Mayek script is used for Manipuri language which is one of the languages in the 8th schedule of the Constitution of India. Meiteis also refers to a linguistic group. It is a group of one of the few Indo-Mongoloid populations who possess a written script and a fairly rich literature. It was developed during the reign of King Khagemba (1597-1652 AD). However, it has been of historic importance as the script has been largely replaced by the Bengali script in later years. It was recently announced by a MP in Parliament that the Meitei script will be printed in currencies instead of the Bengali script.

95. As of now, India has independent regulators to control the __:

  1. Commodity Exchanges
  2. Insurance Market
  3. Stock Markets
  4. Coal Sector
  5. Road Sector

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

[A]Only 1 & 2

[B]Only 1, 2 & 3

[C]Only 1, 2, 3 & 4

[D]1, 2, 3, 4 & 5

Only 1, 2 & 3

96. The government of India can interfere in the prices of which among the following?

  1. Gasoline
  2. Diesel
  3. Natural Gas

Choose the correct option from the codes given below:

[A]Only 2 & 3

[B]Only 2

[C]1, 2 & 3

[D]Only 3

1, 2 & 3

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