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Current Affairs and Gk -March 2013 Part-2

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Current Affairs and Gk -March 2013

81. Veer Bhadra Mishra, who recently passed away was a well-known ___________?

[C]Classical singer

Noted environmentalist and mahant (high priest) of Sankat Mochan temple Veer Bhadra Mishra died. Professor Mishra was selected for a government panel to review projects on the Ganga and played an active role in the Save Ganga Movement over the past few decades.

82. Jorge Mario Bergoglio, who is elected as the Catholic Church’s new Pope hails from which among the following countries?


Argentine Cardinal Jorge Mario Bergoglio has been elected the Catholic Church’s Pope, taking the name Francis. The 76-year-old from Buenos Aires is the first Latin American and the first Jesuit to be pontiff. Pope Francis replaces Benedict XVI, who resigned last month at the age of 85, saying he was not strong enough to lead the Church. The new Pope takes the helm at a difficult time for the Catholic Church, facing an array of challenges which include the role of women, interfaith tensions and dwindling congregations in some parts of the world.

83. Which among the following committee is set up for giving clear definitions to FDI and FII?

[A]Gopinathan committee
[B]Subir Gokran committee
[C]Arvind Mayaram committee
[D]Arvind Menon committee

Arvind Mayaram committee
Government has constituted a four-member committee headed by Economic Affairs Secretary Arvind Mayaram for giving clear definitions to FDI and FII, with an aim to remove ambiguity over the two types of foreign investments. The DIPP Secretary, an RBI Deputy Governor and a Sebi Wholetime Member are the other members of the “high power committee”. It will take about two-and-a-half months to come out with the report.

84. Who among the following has been recently formally appointed as the China’s president?

[A]Li Keqiang
[B]Deng Xiaoping
[C]Bo Xilai
[D]Xi Jinping

Xi Jinping
Xi Jinping replaced Hu Jintao as China’s president, in the culmination of a once-in-a-decade leadership transition that began last year.

85. Recently, in which among the following countries, the giant Atacama Large Millimeter/submillimeter Array (ALMA) telescope is unveiled?

[C]United States
[D]South Africa

The world’s largest radio telescope officially goes into operation in Chile’s Atacama desert, giving astronomers the opportunity to peer deeper into the universe. Located high on the Chajnantor plateau in the Chilean Andes at an altitude of 5,000 metres, the ALMA telescope, which stands for Atacama Large Millimeter/Sub Millimetre Array, is composed of 66 high-precision antennas spread over distances of up to 16 kilometres.

86. What is the rank of India in the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) Human Development Report for 2013?


India has been ranked 136 among 187 countries evaluated for human development index (HDI) — a measure for assessing progress in life expectancy, access to knowledge and a decent standard of living or gross national income per capita.

87. Recently, which among the following countries has successfully extracted natural gas from methane hydrate deposits under the sea, in the first example of production of the gas offshore?

[A]United States

Japan said it had successfully extracted natural gas from methane hydrate deposits under the sea, in the first example of production of the gas offshore.

88. The changthangi or pashmina goat is found in ____________?

[B]Jammu & Kashmir
[C]Tamil Nadu

Jammu & Kashmir
Pashmina refers to a type of fine cashmere wool and the textiles made from it. The name comes from Pashmineh, made from Persian pashm (“wool”).The wool comes from changthangi or pashmina goat, which is a special breed of goat indigenous to high altitudes of the Himalayas in Nepal, Pakistan and northern India. Pashmina shawls are hand spun, woven and embroidered in Nepal and Kashmir, and made from fine cashmere fibre. To protect them, the Government of India through Ministry of Textiles has launched a major programme for development of Pashmina and Pashmina developers in Ladakh region during the 12th Five Year Plan including assistance for setting up Pashmina Goat Pens for protecting flocks and providing ‘Portable Tents, Snow-boots, Torch and Goggles.

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