Recently, which Indian farmer scientist has developed a biofortified carrot?
(A) Ayushabhai Patel
(B) Jitendra Nath Chaubey
(C) Vallabhbhai Vasrambhai Marwania
(D) Ashok Singh Thakur
Ministry of Tourism has recently launched a webinar series, by what name?
(A) See your India
(B) See your Bharat
(C) Look at your country
(D) Incredible India
International Human Flight Day is celebrated every year?
(A) 12 April
(B) 10 April
(C) 14 April
(D) 11 April
Recently, the famous personality 'Shanti Hiranand Chawla' has passed away, was she?
(A) singer
(B) actress
(C) film director
(D) Former Governor
Dr. BR Ambedkar's birth anniversary is celebrated every year?
(A) 12 April
(B) 14 April
(C) 13 April
(D) 11 April
World Chagas Disease Day is celebrated every year?
(A) 10 April
(B) 12 April
(C) 14 April
(D) 16 April
Which technology company has recently developed a 'Talkback' keyboard for the blind?
(A) Infosys
(B) Microsoft
(C) Apple
(D) Google
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