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Daily GK Current Affairs Questions May 30

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Current Affairs Questions and Answers

Q.8 Where did Sekisui Open Squash 2019 held?

(A) France

(B) Norway

(C) Switzerland

(D) Germany

Ans .  C

Q.9 Name of the artist, who became the first Indian to be awarded Joan Miro Prize.

(A) Sheela Gowda

(B) Shilpa Gupta

(C) Bharti Kher

(D) Nalini Malani

Ans .  D

Q.10 Name of the Moon mission 2024 which was unveiled by National Aeronautics and Space Administration.

(A) Kosmos

(B) Artemis

(C) Surveyor

(D) Explorer

Ans .  B

Q.11 What is the maximum rate of service charge revised by Reserve Bank of India(RBI) for the non-chest bank branches, which has deposited in the modern Currency Chests(CC)?

(A) Rs.7 per packet

(B) Rs.6 per packet

(C) Rs.9 per packet

(D) Rs.8 per packet

Ans .  D

Q.12 Which of the following country using CFC-11 or Trichlorofluoromethane, a banned Ozone-Depleting chemical against 1987 Montreal Protocol?

(A) China

(B) India

(C) Japan

(D) US

Ans .  A

Q.13 Which of the following product was launched by Corporation Bank for GST- registered Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSME).

(A) Corp SME Sufia

(B) Corp SME Sugam

(C) Corp SME Suvidha

(D) Corp SME Surmi

Ans .  C

Q.14 What was the theme of 2019 International Commonwealth Day?

(A) Holocaust Remembrance and Education: Our Shared Responsibility

(B) A Connected Commonwealth

(C) linguistic diversity and multilingualism for sustainable development

(D) Time is Now: Rural and urban activists transforming women's lives

Ans .  B

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