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Data Sufficiency Reasoning Questions for Competitive Exams

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data sufficiency reasoning questionsdata sufficiency reasoning questions

If you don't want to face problems while solving data sufficiency reasoning questions in reasoning section, then you should practice hereby given these data sufficiency questions with answers for SSC, Bank exam, and other competitive exams.

To obtain a better rank in your exam, don't ignore this topic because these questions ask mostly in competitive exams. These question's practice will help you to save your time also in the examination. For more practice, you can visit on Data Sufficiency Practice Questions.

Questions and Answers of Data Sufficiency Reasoning

Q.1.What is the code for 'sky' in the code language?


1. In the code language, 'sky is clear' is written as 'de ra fa'.

2. In the same code language, 'make it clear' is written as 'de ga jo'.

(A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient

(B) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient

(C) Either I or II is sufficient

(D) Neither I nor II is sufficient

(E) Both I and II are sufficient

Ans .   D

Q.2. In a certain code '13' means 'stop smoking' and '59' means 'injurious habit'. What is the meaning of '9' and '5' respectively in that code?

1.'157' means 'stop bad habit'.

2.'839'means 'smoking is injurious'.

(A)  if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question

(B)  if the data in statement II alone are sufficient answer the question

(C)  if the data either in I or II alone are sufficient to answer the question

(D)  if the data even in both the statements together are not sufficient to answer the question;

(E)  if the data in both the statements together are needed.

Ans .   C

Q.3.How many children are there between P and Q in a row of children?


1. P is fifteenth from the left in the row.

2. Q is exactly in the middle and there are ten children towards his right.

(A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient

(B) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient

(C) Either I or II is sufficient

(D) Neither I nor II is sufficient

(E) Both I and II are sufficient

Ans .   E

Q.4. When is Manohar's birthday this year?

1.It is between January 13 and 15, January 13 being Wednesday.

2.It is not on Friday.

(A)  if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question;

(B)  if the data in statement II alone are sufficient answer the question;

(C)  if the data either in I or II alone are sufficient to answer the question;

(D)  if the data even in both the statements together are not sufficient to answer the question;

(E)  if the data in both the statements together are needed

Ans .   A

Q.5.How is T related to K?


1.R's sister J has married Ts brother L, who is the only son of his parents.

2.K is the only daughter of L and J.

(A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient

(B) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient

(C) Either I or II is sufficient

(D) Neither I nor II is sufficient

(E) Both I and II are sufficient

Ans .   E

Q.6. On which day the flat was purchased by Rohan in 1996 ?

1.Certainly before 18th December, 1996 but definitely not before 15th December, 1996.

2.Certainly after 16th December, 1996 but not later than 19th December, 1996.

(A)  if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question;

(B)  if the data in statement II alone are sufficient answer the question;

(C)  if the data either in I or II alone are sufficient to answer the question;

(D)  if the data even in both the statements together are not sufficient to answer the question;

(E)  if the data in both the statements together are needed.

Ans .   E

Q.7.How is J related to P ?


1.M is brother of P and T is sister of P.

2.P's mother is married to J's husband who has one son and two daughters.

(A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient

(B) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient

(C) Either I or II is sufficient

(D) Neither I nor II is sufficient

(E) Both I and II are sufficient

Ans .   B

Q.8. Is Arun taller than Sachin ?

1.Dinesh is of the same height as Arun and Sachin.

2.Sachin is not shorter than Dinesh.

(A)  if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question;

(B)  if the data in statement II alone are sufficient answer the question;

(C)  if the data either in I or II alone are sufficient to answer the question;

(D)  if the data even in both the statements together are not sufficient to answer the question;

(E)  if the data in both the statements together are needed

Ans .   A

Q.9.How is X related to Y ?


1.Y and Z are children of D who is wife of X.

2.R's sister X is married to Ys father.

(A) I alone is sufficient while II alone is not sufficient

(B) II alone is sufficient while I alone is not sufficient

(C) Either I or II is sufficient

(D) Neither I nor II is sufficient

(E) Both I and II are sufficient

Ans .   C

Q.10. Buses are always punctual in city X. How long, at the most, will Mr. Roy have to wait for the bus? 

1.Mr. Roy has come to the bus stand at 9 A.M.

2.There is a bus at 10 A.M. and Possibly another bus even earlier.

(A)  if the data in statement I alone are sufficient to answer the question;

(B)  if the data in statement II alone are sufficient answer the question;

(C)  if the data either in I or II alone are sufficient to answer the question;

(D)  if the data even in both the statements together are not sufficient to answer the question;

(E)  if the data in both the statements together are needed.

Ans .   E

If you have any doubt regarding data sufficiency reasoning questions, you can ask me in the comment section without any hesitation.

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