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Dates and Days-General Knowledge questions and answers #28

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Important Days and Dates

Q.31 National Maritime Day of India falls on

(A) April 5

(B) June 5

(C) October 5

(D) September 5

Ans .  A

Q.32 Journalist Day was celebrated for the first time all over the country on

(A) Oct. 20, 1984

(B) Oct. 1, 1984

(C) Oct 28, 1984

(D) Oct. 8, 1984

Ans .  C

Q.33 'Teacher's Day' is observed on which of the date?

(A) September 5

(B) January 30

(C) November 14

(D) October 2

Ans .  A

Q.34 The World Environment Day is celebrated on

(A) April 7

(B) June 5

(C) August 6

(D) June 16

Ans .  B

Q.35 Which day is observed as World No Smoking Day ?

(A) 15th July

(B) 31st December

(C) 1st January

(D) 31st May

Ans .  D

Q.36 The birthday of which of the leader in India is observed as Children's day?

(A) Mahatma Gandhi

(B) S.Radhakrishnan

(C) Rajiv Gandhi

(D) Jawaharlal Nehru

Ans .  D

Q.37 The United Nations declared 1993 as a year of the

(A) disabled

(B) forests

(C) girl child

(D) indigenous people

Ans .  D

Q.38 The year 1991 was observed in India as the year of

(A) Population control

(B) Girl child

(C) Literacy

(D) Tourism

Ans .  D

Q.39 Which day is observed as World Food Day?

(A) September 10

(B) August 16

(C) November 4

(D) October 16

Ans .  D

Q.40 The decade 1981-1990 was observed as International Decade for

(A) Peace

(B) Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation

(C) Women

(D) Children

Ans .  B

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