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Direction Sense Test Questions and Answers

4 years ago 9.2K Views
Q :  

Starting from house Abhijit walked 30 meters in North west direction. Then he walked 30 m. in south - west direction. Then he walked 30 m. in north - east direction. Now he is how much distance away from his house. 

(A) 10 m

(B) 30 m

(C) 20 m

(D) 0 m

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

Raju is Ramu's neighbour and he stays 100 metres away towards south - east. Venu is Ramu's neighbour and he stays 100 metres away towards south - west . Khadar is Venu's neighbour and he stay 100 metres away towards north west. Then where is the position of Khadar's home in relation to Raju's

(A) North - West

(B) North

(C) South - East

(D) South - West

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Rahim leaves his house and walks 12 km towards North. He turns right and walks another 12 km. He turns right again, walks 12 km more and turns left to walk 5 km. How far is he from his home and in which direction?

(A) 17 km East

(B) 24 km East

(C) 7 km East

(D) 10 Km East

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Mayank's house faces South. He leaves from the back gate of his house and walks 18m. Then he turns right and walks 28m. Then he turns right and walks 35m. Then he turn left and walks 12m. He then turns left and walks 17m. In which direction and how many metres away is he form the original position? 

(A) 30 meters West

(B) 40 meters East

(C) 20 meters North

(D) 17 meters South

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Roy walks 3 km to East, then turns North - West and walks 3 km. Then he turns South and walks 5 km. Then again he turns West and walks 2 km. Finally he turns North and walks 6 km. In which direction, is he from the starting point?

(A) North-West

(B) North-East

(C) South-West

(D) South-East

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

If Ahmed travels towards North from his house, then to left, then to South covering equal distances in each direction to reach Sohan's house, In which direction is Ahmed's house now? 

(A) North

(B) West

(C) East

(D) South

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Shyam was facing East. He walked 5 km forward and then after turning to his right walked 3 km. Again, he turned to his right and walked 4 kms. After this he turned back. Which direction was he facing at that time?

(A) North

(B) South

(C) East

(D) West

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Nirmala was facing East. She walked 20 metres. Turning left she moved 15 metres and then truning right moved 25 metres. Finally, she turned right and moved 15 metres more. How far is she form her starting point?

(A) 50 metres

(B) 45 metres

(C) 25 metres

(D) 35 metres

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Babu is Rahim's neighbour and his house is 200 metres away in the north - west direction. Joseph is Rahim's neighbour and his house is located 200 metres away in the south - west direction. Gopal is Joseph's neighbour and he stay 200 metres away in the south - east direction. Roy is Gopal's neighbour and his house is located 200 metres away in the north east direction. Then where is the position of Roy's house in relation to Babu's ? 

(A) North

(B) North - east

(C) South - east

(D) South - west

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Rinky walked 70 m towards the east from her house, and then took a right turn and walked 50 m to reach the post office. From there, she took a right turn again and walked 150m to reach the market, from where she took a left turn and walked a few meters to reach the school. If the air distance between Rinky's house and the school is 170 m. what is the air distance between the market and the school ?

(A) 70 m

(B) 120 m

(C) 90 m

(D) 100 m

Correct Answer : D

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