English Grammar Questions Quiz is questions that relate to the English language and cover a wide range of topics, including grammar, vocabulary, reading comprehension, writing, speaking, and listening. This English Grammar Questions Quiz is designed to test a person's knowledge of the language and their ability to communicate effectively in English. They may be used in various contexts, such as job interviews, language proficiency tests, academic assessments, or casual conversations. General English questions can help people improve their language skills and gain confidence in their ability to communicate effectively in English.
In this article, English Grammar Questions Quiz, students can get the most important English Grammar questions related to Tense, Passive Voice, Narration, Synonyms, Antonyms etc for upcoming competitive exams like SSC, RRB and other government exams.
Also, Read Latest Current Affairs Questions 2023: Current Affairs Today
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Q :
The arrival of tourists to the destination has __________ considerably after the Nipah outbreak in Kozhikode district.
(A) declined
(B) surged
(C) enjoyed
(D) repulsed
(E) All of the above
A handful of farmers __________ at Kisan Ghat in the morning said that they were there for some mental peace.
(A) heaped
(B) gathered
(C) squandered
(D) stacked
(E) All of the above
The police will regard it as an accident_____ any contrary is found.
(A) unless
(B) still
(C) whenever
(D) otherwise
The ___ chair was discared by the tenant.
(A) break
(B) broken
(C) broking
(D) broke
Select the most appropriate meaning of the given idiom.
To play ducks and drakes
(A) to use recklessly
(B) to act cleverly
(C) to change places
(D) to be friendly
The teacher drew (a)/ an attention of the boys (b)/ to the importance of regular practice.(c)/No error(d)
(A) A
(B) B
(C) C
(D) D
Read each sentence to find out whether there is any grammatical error in it. The error, if any, will be in one part of the sentence. The number of that part is the answer. If there is no error, the answer is (e), No error.
Radhika was very upset (a) / because she had to goes (b) / to a boarding school (c) / so she cried the entire night (d)/ No error (e)
(A) (a)
(B) (b)
(C) (c)
(D) (d)
Choose the correctly spelt word in the following.
(A) Jelousy
(B) Corupt
(C) Intrest
(D) Miniature
Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If no substitution is required, select No improvement.
The workers of this textile factory demand higher wages for a long time.
(A) demanded higher wages
(B) has demanded higher wages
(C) No improvement
(D) have been demanding higher wages
Select the most appropriate option to substitute the underlined segment in the given sentence. If there is no need to substitute it, select ‘No substitution’.
No sooner she had put the baby to sleep when a loud noise woke him up.
(A) No sooner she did
(B) No substitution
(C) As soon as she had
(D) Scarcely had she
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