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Frequently Asked GK Questions for Competitive Exam

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GK Questions and Answers

Q.25 Sulphur is not present in

(A) iron pyrites

(B) gypsum

(C) coal

(D) chlorapatite

Ans .   C

Q.26 Oxygen was independently discovered by

(A) Rutherford

(B) William Ramsay

(C) Joseph Priestley

(D) Neils Bohr

Ans .   C

Q.27 Rise of the Chinese civilization along the banks of Hwang 40 took place in

(A) 2500 - 2000 BC

(B) 2700 - 2600 BC

(C) 2205 - 1122 BC

(D) 2000 - 1200 BC

Ans .   C

Q.28 Presently known as the European Union, the EEC was established in

(A) 1957

(B) 1958

(C) 1959

(D) 1960

Ans .   B

Q.29 Steel is more elastic than Rubber because

(A) its density is high

(B) it is a metal

(C) the ratio of stress to strain is more

(D) the ratio of stress to strain is less

Ans .   C

Q.30 The 2003 Right Livelihood Honorary Award honors ____ when the jury recognizes "for his steadfast work over many years for a world free of nuclear weapons".

(A) New Zealand's former Prime Minister David Lange

(B) Martin Almada (Australia)

(C) Martin Green (Australia)

(D) None of the above

Ans .   A

Q.31 Raja Rammohan Roy

(A) was a social reformer who tried to eradicate sati, purdah and child marriage

(B) advocated widow remarriage and woman's education

(C) was the founder of the Brahmo Samaj

(D) All of the above

Ans .   D

Q.32 South Indian temples have

(A) tall towers with curving sides that taper at the top

(B) gateway towers shaped like trapezoidal pyramids

(C) both are correct

(D) None of the above

Ans .  B

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