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General Aptitude Questions and Answers for Freshers for Competitive Exams

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Important Aptitude Questions and Answers for Freshers:

 (A) 4/5
 (B) 3/5
 (C) 8/5
 (D) 1/5

Ans .  C

Q.32.In a triangle ABC, AB = 8 cm, AC = 10 cm and ∠B = 90°, then the area of ΔABC is

 (A) 49
 (B) 36
 (C) 25
 (D) 24

Ans .   D

Q.33. The compound interest on Rs. 64,000 for 3 years, compound annually at 7.5% p.a is 

 (A) Rs. 14,400
 (B) Rs. 15,705
 (C) Rs. 15,507
 (D) Rs. 15,075

Ans .   C

EXAM DATE : 1-September-2016

EXAM START TIME : 16:15:00

Q.34. In Δ ABC, the height CD intersects AB at D. The midpoints of AB and BC are P and Q respectively. If AD = 8 cm and CD = 6 cm, then the length of PQ is?

 (A) 3 cm
 (B) 7 cm
 (C) 9 cm
 (D) 5 cm

Ans .   D

Q.35. The percent profit made when an article is sold for Rs. 78 is twice as much as when it is sold for Rs. 69, the cost price of the article is?

 (A) Rs. 60
 (B) Rs. 51
 (C) Rs. 55.50
 (D) Rs. 70

Ans .   A

Q.36. A train 240 meters in length crosses a telegraph post in 16 seconds. The speed of the train is?

 (A) 50 Km/hr
 (B) 52 Km/hr
 (C) 54 Km/hr
 (D) 56 Km/hr

Ans .   C

Q.37.From an external point two tangents to a circle are drawn. The chord passing through the points of contact subtends an angle72° at the centre. The angle between the tangents is?
 (A) 36°
 (B) 72°
 (C) 108°
 (D) 144°

Ans .  C

Q.38. If sinθ+ cosecθ=2, then the value of sin-7θ + cosec7θ is

 (A) 27
 (B) 2-7
 (C) 2
 (D) 2-1

Ans .   C

Q.39.If (a+b-6)2 + a2+b2+1+2b = 2ab+2a, then the value of a is

 (A) 7
 (B) 6
 (C) 3.5
 (D) 2.5

Ans .   C

Q.40.The least six-digit number which is a perfect square is

 (A) 100489
 (B) 100000
 (C) 100256
 (D) 100225

Ans .   A

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