This is a General Economics Quiz with Answers for all students studying for Competitive Exams. Play it out if you're one of them. Economics is a Social Science that studies the production, distribution, and consumption of goods. There are two parts to it: Microeconomics and Macroeconomics. Some General Knowledge Questions about this subject are included in the article.
In this article, General Economics Questions and Answers for SSC Exams, you will get the most important questions and answers related to General Economics, GST, Tax, Urban and Rural Economy, and Indian Economy for upcoming competitive exams and government exams. Aspirants can command General Economics Questions and Answers to study this article. Let's start practising now.
Also, Read Latest Current Affairs Questions 2022: Current Affairs Today
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Q :
Which of the following is not a derivative instrument in a capitalist market?
(A) Option
(B) Dividend
(C) Future
(D) Equity swap
OLTAS is related to the?
(A) Income Tax Department
(B) Ministry of Industry
(C) Ministry of Finance
(D) None of these
Which of the following is not the place of printing of notes of India?
(A) Mysore
(B) Salboni
(C) Jhansi
(D) Nashik
India is the main importer of?
(A) Pulses
(B) Oilseeds
(C) both of these
(D) none of these
Which fruit has the largest area under cultivation in India?
(A) Banana
(B) Jackfruit
(C) Litchi
(D) Mango
When was the Agricultural Cost and Commission established?
(A) 1960
(B) 1965
(C) 1966
(D) 1969
Which sector has the least contribution in the national income of India?
(A) Primary sector
(B) Secondary Sector
(C) Tertiary Sector
(D) None of these
Which of the following is not included in national income?
(A) Winning the lottery
(B) Government expenditure on construction of new bridges
(C) Imputed rent of owner occupied houses
(D) none of these
The largest mineral-oil field of India is?
(A) Kaveri Basin
(B) Kutch Basin
(C) Assam region
(D) Bombay Upland area
Is there a committee related to Public Distribution System?
(A) Sodhani Committee
(B) Malegam Committee
(C) Venugopal Committee
(D) None of these
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