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General Knowledge Mix Quiz for Competitive Exams

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General Knowledge Mix Quiz for Competitive ExamsGeneral Knowledge Mix Quiz for Competitive Exams
Q :  

What is the term of office for an MP in India?

(A) 02 years

(B) 03 years

(C) 04 years

(D) 05 years

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :

The term of a member of parliament of Lok Sabha (dissolved) is five years from the date appointment for its first meeting. During a state of emergency, the term however can be extended by the Parliament of India by law for a period not exceeding one year at a time.

Q :  

Dekhni is a folk dance associated with which Indian state?

(A) Bihar

(B) West Bengal

(C) Goa

(D) Assam

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

In which of the following places is the Tak Tok festival celebrated?

(A) Tripura

(B) Ladakh

(C) Nagaland

(D) Assam

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Who among the following teamed up with flautist Hariprasad Chaurasia and guitarist Brij Bhushan Kabra and produced a concept album, ‘C all of the Valley’ (1967)?

(A) Bhajan Sopori

(B) Shivkumar Sharma

(C) Tarun Bhattacharya

(D) Satish Vyas

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Which of the following awards was received by Vempati Chinna Satyam, an Indian Kuchipudi dancer, in 1998?

(A) Padma Vibhushan

(B) Padma Bhushan

(C) Padma Shri

(D) Tagore Puraskar

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

What type of forests are found north and south of the equator between 40° and 60° where rainfall is high, between 500-1500 mm in a year?

(A) Taiga forests

(B) Coniferous forests

(C) Mediterranean forests

(D) Temperate deciduous forests

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :

Temperate deciduous forests are found between 40° and 60° north and south of the equator. 

The rainfall is high, between 500-1,500 mm a year. 

The temperatures remain on average above 0°C even in the winter. 

The summer temperatures average between 25-20°C. The winter is cooler, encouraging the trees to shed their leaves.

Q :  

What type of rocks were once igneous or sedimentary, but have metamorphosed as a result of intense heat and/or pressure within the Earth's crust?

(A) Granite

(B) Metamorphic

(C) Sandstone

(D) Basalt

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

Metamorphic rocks started out as some other type of rock, but have been substantially changed from their original igneous, sedimentary, or earlier metamorphic form. Metamorphic rocks form when rocks are subjected to high heat, high pressure, hot mineral-rich fluids or, more commonly, some combination of these factors.

Q :  

Which monsoon receives maximum rainfall in India?

(A) South-west monsoon

(B) South-East Monsoon

(C) North-west monsoon

(D) North-East Monsoon

Correct Answer : A
Explanation :

In India, the maximum amount of rainfall is received from the South West Monsoon winds during the period of June to September. The Northeast winds bring some rainfall to the Southern state of Tamil Nadu and nearby areas during winter as the monsoon retreats.

Q :  

What is the most important feature of the climate of India?

(A) Change in the direction of winds

(B) Seasonal change of winds

(C) Continuous rainfall throughout the year

(D) Summer and winter winds being effective

Correct Answer : A
Explanation :

India has a climate of Tropical monsoon due to its peculiar position in the Asian continent and the Indian Ocean. Indian climate is mostly characterized by wet and dry seasons. However, some locations within India like Ladhak and Thar desert do not have wet seasons.

Q :  

The reason for the high annual temperature difference in Delhi is that?

(A) Proximity to Tropic of Cancer

(B) Scanty rainfall

(C) More distance from the sea

(D) Proximity to desert

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

Delhi is in the interior of India where the moderating influence of the sea is absent. Mumbai on the other hand lies closer to the sea. Hence the annual range of temperature in Delhi is more than the annual range of temperature in Mumbai.

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