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GK Quiz in Hindi and English with Answers for Competitive Exams

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GK Questions: 2019

Q.11 Name of the first Aircraft Carrier Indian Ship?

(A) I.N.S. Vikrant

(B) Sukhoi

(C) HAL Tejas


Ans .  A

Q.12 Name of First Indian who reached south pole?

(A) Col. I K Bajaj

(B) R.N. Shukla

(C) V.R. Gill

(D) D.B. Mahawar

Ans .  A

Q.13 Name of first Indian who won Billiards Trophy?

(A) Wilson Jones

(B) R.N. Shukla

(C) V.R. Gill

(D) D.B. Mahawar

Ans .  A

Q.14 Name of the First Indian Prime Minister who resigned from Office?

(A) Moraji Desai

(B) Indira Gandhi

(C) Jawahar Lal Nehru

(D) Rajiv Gandhi

Ans .  A

Q.15 First Indian recipient of Oscar Award?

(A) Bhanu Athaiya

(B) R.N. Shukla

(C) V.R. Gill

(D) D.B. Mahawar

Ans .  A

Q.16 Name of the first Indian President to Die in office?

(A) Dr. Zakir Hussain

(B) Pranav Mukharji

(C) Gyan Jail Singh

(D) Rajendra Prasad

Ans .  A

Q.17 Name of the First Indian Author to get the Anderson Award?

(A) Ruskin Bond

(B) LaxmiNarayan Mehata

(C) Jai Chand

(D) Harivansh Rai 

Ans .  A

Q.18 Name of First Indian Missile?

(A) Prithvi

(B) Sukhoi

(C) HAL Tejas


Ans .  A

Q.19 Name of first Indian Pilot?

(A) J.R.D. Tata in 1929

(B) R.N. Shukla

(C) V.R. Gill

(D) D.B. Mahawar

Ans .  A

Q.20 Name of the first Chief of Naval staff of India?

(A) Vice-Admiral R.D. Katari

(B) R.N. Shukla

(C) V.R. Gill

(D) D.B. Mahawar

Ans .  A

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