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Very important current Gk questions series #15 Part-2

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Current Affairs-Februrary 2013

Very important questions for IAS, RAS, SSC CGL, UPSC, BANK PO, UPSC,RPSC, Bank exams and all other exams.If you like the post kindly give rating.
[important]This questions are useful for any competitive exam like IAS, bank PO, SSC CGL, RAS, CDS, UPSC exams and all state related exams. You can attempt them for fun too.[/important]

73. Which among the following is the name of the bionic man that is recently unveiled?

Rex — short for robotic exoskeletons — was unveiled recently to show how boffins could soon save lives. Amazing features include synthetic blood, a prosthetic heart and eyes that can actually SEE. The 6ft 2ins artificial man was made by top UK Roboticists.

74. What is the range of the upcoming Agni VI missile?

6000 Km
Agni-VI with multiple nuclear warheads, which can reach targets 6,000 km away, is all set to be developed by the Defence Research and Development Organisation (DRDO).

75. Recently, which among the following has come out with an ‘Electoral Trust Scheme’, which lays down the procedure for grant of approval to an electoral trust?

Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT)
The Central Board of Direct Taxes (CBDT) has come out with an ‘Electoral Trust Scheme’, which lays down the procedure for grant of approval to an electoral trust. With this move, such trusts are set to get more popular with corporate India. The taxman’s approval is important for electoral trusts to avail themselves of tax exemption on voluntary contributions received by them. Once this is done, donors to such trusts will get 100 per cent tax deduction for their contributions. However, these tax breaks will be available only when the electoral trusts distribute 95 per cent of their annual contribution to eligible political parties. To reform the system of funding of political parties, the UPA Government had, in its 2009 Budget, extended tax breaks for ‘electoral trusts’. It was seen as a win-win arrangement as it would encourage creation of such trusts and help corporates avoid getting into an embarrassing situation of supporting only certain political parties. Prior to the 2009 move, corporates did not get any tax breaks on contributions made to electoral trusts.

76. Recently, which among the following has joined hands with the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to launch a skill development programme for doctors, nurses and paramedics?

Apollo group of hospitals
Apollo Medskills, the skills training arm of Apollo Hospitals, has joined hands with the National Skill Development Corporation (NSDC) to launch a skill development programme for doctors, nurses and paramedics. NSDC is providing a soft loan of Rs 24 crore and Rs 3.5 crore for 27 per cent equity stake in the joint venture, while the promoters of Apollo are pumping in 9 crore. There are plans to set up 40 training centres in the country in 24 months. The first centre has been set up in Chennai. Centres will also come up in Patna, Shillong and Hyderabad this year. The training programme aims to address the shortage of trained manpower in the healthcare sector. By 2020, the country needs 14 million medical professionals.

77. Recently, who among the following has been selected for the prestigious Dr. Y. Nayudamma Memorial Award for 2012 for his outstanding contribution to life sciences?

Lalji Singh
Lalji Singh, scientist and Vice-Chancellor of Banaras Hindu University, has been selected for the prestigious Dr. Y. Nayudamma Memorial Award for 2012 for his outstanding contribution to life sciences, particularly in establishing DNA fingerprinting as a tool of both fundamental research and crime detection, and for trying to unravel the puzzle of human evolution in relation to the Andaman-Nicobar tribes. He was earlier Director of the Centre for Cellular and Molecular Biology (CCMB), Hyderabad. The award was instituted in 1986 to honour persons who made significant contributions to the development of science and technology, in commemoration of the distinguished scientist and renowned leather technologist Dr. Nayudamma.

78. Who among the following is the head of the one-man inquire committee appointed by the government to inquire into reports on the US lobbying activities of Wal-Mart for access to India market?

Mukul Mudgal
Recently, in its probe into global retail giant Wal-Mart’s lobbying activities in the US for entry into India, the government asked the general public to provide it with all the important information available with them on the matter. The government has appointed a one-man Inquiry Committee, headed by former Chief Justice of Punjab & Haryana High Court Justice Mukul Mudgal, to inquire into reports on the US lobbying activities of Wal-Mart for access to India market. The Committee has to submit its report within three months and it is being provided administrative and functional support by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs in its probe.

79. Soloman Islands, which are recently affected by a powerful earthquake and tsunami are located in _________?

South Pacific Ocean
The Solomon Islands are a collection of nearly one thousand islands in Oceania that form a sovereign country. They lie to the east of Papua New Guinea in Melanesia. Recently, the islands experienced a powerful 8.0 earthquake followed by a tsunami.

80. . Who among the following is the head of the committee set up by the environment ministry to review what kind of projects can be dealt with at the state level and which would require central nod?

K Kasturirangan
Following the push from the PMO, the infrastructure ministries and industry, the environment ministry has set up a committee to review the kind of projects requiring environmental clearance from the Centre. A re-assessment is likely to reduce the number of projects that would have to seek approval from Delhi. The committee, set up under Planning Commission member K Kasturirangan, will review what kind of projects can be dealt with at the state level and which would require central nod. At the moment, projects below a certain size or of certain nature require clearance only from the state level environmental authority while the rest are sent to the expert panels set up under the environment ministry in Delhi. The PMO has been pushing, along with several states, for changing the criteria in some cases to make the clearance process simpler for the industry and infrastructure projects.

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