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Important Economics Abbreviations for Bank Exams

3 years ago 37.6K Views
economics abbreviations economics abbreviations

Here is the selective and important economics and banking Abbreviations for Bank Exams. These economics abbreviations have been asked in competitive exams and there are chances to ask again in competitive exams. So these abbreviations are for your practice. 

Important Economics Abbreviations

1.ABD: Asian Development Bank

2. ADR: American Depository Receipts

3. AGMARK: Agricultural Marketing Department

4. AITUC: All-India Trade Union Congress

5. AMCs: Asset Management Companies

6. APM: Administered Pricing Mechanism

7. ARF: Asset Reconstruction Fund

8. ASSOCHAM: Associated Chamber of Commerce and Industry

9. BIFR: Board of Industrial and Financial Reconstruction

10. BIMARU states: Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan and UP 

11. BOP: Balance of Payment

12. BPL: Below Poverty Line

13. BSE: Bombay Stock Exchange

14. CAC: Capital Account Convertibility

15. CAD: Current Account Deficit

16. CAG: Comptroller and Auditor General

17. CBR: Crude Birth Rate

18. CCBs: Central Cooperative Banks

19. CII: Confederation of Indian Industry

20. CIS: Commonwealth of Independent States

21. CMIE:  Centre for Monitoring Indian Economy

22. COFEPOSA: Conservation of Foreign Exchange and Prevention of Smuggling Activities

23. CPI: Consumer Price Index

24. CRISIL: Credit Rating Information Services of India Ltd.

25. CRR: Cash Reserve Requirements/Cash Reserve Ratio

26. CSIR: Council of Scientific and Industrial Research

27. CSO: Central Statistical Organization

28. DFHI: Discount and Finance House of India Ltd.

29. DFIs: Development Financial Institutions

30. ECB: External Commercial Borrowing

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