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List of Inventions and Inventors GK Questions and Answers

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Invention and Inventors

21. Antibody Labeling Agents - Antigen and Antibody

Joseph Burckhalter and Robert Seiwald invented the first practical and patented antibody labeling agent.

22. Antiseptics

The history of antiseptics and key figures behind the invention.

23. Apple Computers

The Apple Lisa was the first home computer with a GUI or graphical user interface. Learn about the history of the Apple Macintosh, one of the most famous Apple home computers.

24. Aqualung

The history of scuba or diving equipment.

25. Arc Transmitter

Danish engineer Valdemar Poulsen invented the arc transmitter in 1902. The arc transmitter, contrary to all previous types of radio transmitters in history, generated continuous radio waves.

26. Archimedes Screw

Invented by the ancient Greek scientist and mathematician Archimedes, an archimedes screw is a machine for raising water.

27. Armillary Sphere

Miniature representations of the earth, moon and planets in the form of terrestrial globes, terrain models and armillary spheres have a long history.

28. Artificial Heart

Willem Kolff invented both the first artificial heart and the first artificial kidney dialysis machine.


The history of roads, road building and asphalt.

30. Aspirin

In 1829, scientists discovered that it was the compound called salicin in willow plants that was responsible for pain relief. But it was father of modern medicine, Hippocrates, who first discovered the pain relieving properties of the willow plant in the 5th century B.C.

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