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Math Teaching Method Questions and Answers

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Q :  

Which of the following is not an effective strategy to assess primary level students' learning in mathematics? 

(A) Designing tasks to differentiate between rote memorisation and conceptual understanding.

(B) Analysing children's errors to understand their reasoning.

(C) Designing tasks which elicit more than one level of response.

(D) Using primarily group administered tasks.

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

If a student get same 42 marks out of 80 awarded by different examiners in a test of Mathematics, this shows which characteristics of evaluation out of following: 

(A) Objectivity

(B) Validity

(C) All of the above

(D) Practicability

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Out of following which of the teaching method in Mathematics is difficult to use in formal classroom situation? 

(A) Inductive

(B) Deductive

(C) Project

(D) Analytic

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Which method is Child centered? 

(A) Project method

(B) Problem solving method

(C) Laboratory method

(D) All of these

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

Father of Branching programmed instruction. 

(A) B.F. Skinner

(B) Norman A. Crowder

(C) Thomas F. Gilbert

(D) Thorndike

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Which of the following is an Audio Aids? 

(A) O.H.P.

(B) Epidiascope

(C) Gramophone

(D) Magic Lantern

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Which of the following skills are promoted by mathematics at upper primary stage?

A. Visualisation

B. Transposition

C. Memorisation

D. Generalisation

E. Estimation 

(A) A , B , D , E

(B) A , B , C , D

(C) B , C , D , E

(D) A , C , D , E

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

“Things which are equal to the same thing are equal to one another." This axiom which is basis to arithmetic and algebra is given by 

(A) Euclid

(B) Pythagoras

(C) Descartes

(D) Euler

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Which one of the following characteristics is important for a good mathematics text book at the primary level?

(A) It should be attractive and colourful

(B) It must be thick and large

(C) Concepts should be introduced through contexts

(D) It should only contain numerous exercises to give rigorous practice

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Which of the following is a narrow aim of teaching mathematics?

(A) To encourage systematic reasoning among students

(B) To develop students’ ability to argue the truth and falsity of statements.

(C) To make students proficient in handling numbers and number operations.

(D) To develop students’ generalization abilities.

Correct Answer : D

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