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Maths Logical Reasoning Questions with Answers for Competitive Exams

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Logical Reasoning Test 

Q :  

School management has announced to take strict action against those students who do not report in class on time.
 I. They want to maintain the dignity of school.
II. They want to develop discipline in students. 

(A) Only assumption I is implicit.

(B) assumption I and II both are implicit

(C) Neither assumption I nor assumption II is implicit.

(D) Only assumption II is implicit.

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

All dogs are asses and all asses are bullocks, which of the following statement is correct. 

(A) Some dogs are asses.

(B) Some asses are bullocks.

(C) All asses and dogs are bullocks.

(D) All the above.

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

There is less percentage of passed students in the government schools. Above statement indicates that 

(A) There are no school building in government schools.

(B) Government school do not have good libraries.

(C) Quality educations is not given in government school.

(D) Government schools have less play-ground.

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Direction: Two Statements are given following by four conclusions, I, II, III and IV. You have to consider that Statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given Statements. Indicate your answer. 
Some books are mobiles.
Some calculators are mobiles.
I. Some mobiles are calculators.
II. Some mobiles are books. 

(A) Only conclusion I follows

(B) Only conclusion II follows

(C) Both conclusions I and II follow

(D) Neither conclusion I nor II follows

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Direction: Two Statements are given following by four conclusions, I, II, III and IV. You have to consider that Statements to be true, even if they seem to beat variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given Statements. Indicate your answer. 
All teachers are experienced.
Some teachers are spinsters.
I. Some experienced are spinsters.
II. Some spinsters are experienced. 

(A) Only conclusion II follows

(B) Either conclusion I or II follows

(C) Both conclusion I and II follow

(D) Only conclusion I follows

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Direction: Two Statements are given following by four conclusions, I, II, III and IV. You have to consider that Statements to be true, even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given Statements. Indicate your answer. 
Some skirts are benches.
No bench is a table.
I. Some skirts are tables.
II. Some benches are skirts.
III. All benches are skirts.
IV. Some tables are skirts. 

(A) Only I follows

(B) Only II follows

(C) Only II and IV follow

(D) Only I and III follow

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Direction: Two Statements are given following by four conclusions, I, II, III and IV. You have to consider that Statements to be true, even if they seem to beat variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given Statements. Indicate your answer. 
All dogs are books.
All books are pictures.
I. All dogs are pictures.
II. All books are dogs.
III. All pictures are dogs.
IV. Some pictures are books.

(A) Only I and IV follows

(B) Only II and III follows

(C) Either II or III follows

(D) Either II or IV follows

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Direction: Two Statements are given following by four conclusions, I, II, III and IV. You have to consider that Statements to be true, even if they seem to beat variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given Statements. Indicate your answer.
All pens are pencils.
No pencil is monkey.
I. No pen is monkey.
II. Some pens are monkey.
III. All monkeys are pens.
IV. Some monkeys are pens. 

(A) Either conclusion II or III follows

(B) Either conclusion II or IV follows

(C) Only conclusion I follows

(D) All conclusion follows

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

Direction: Two Statements are given following by four conclusions, I, II, III and IV. You have to consider that Statements to be true, even if they seem to beat variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given Statements. Indicate your answer.
All goats are tigers.
All tigers are lions.
I. All tigers are goats.
II. All lions are tigers.
III. No goat is a lion.
IV. No lion is a goat. 

(A) Either II or III follows

(B) Either II or IV follows

(C) Either I or III follows

(D) None of the conclusion follow

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

Direction: Two Statements are given following by four conclusions, I, II, III and IV. You have to consider that Statements to be true, even if they seem to beat variance from commonly known facts. You are to decide which of the given conclusions can definitely be drawn from the given Statements. Indicate your answer.
All books are boxes.
All boxes are pens.
All pens are papers.
I. Some paper are books.
II. All books are papers.
III. Some pens are books.
IV. All boxes are books. 

(A) Only conclusion I and III follow

(B) Either conclusion II or IV follow

(C) Only conclusion I, II and III follow

(D) Either conclusion I or II or III follow

Correct Answer : C

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