Every time Lakhs of scholars prepare for competitive examinations like SSC, RRB, Bank, etc and every pupil wants to crack the competitive examinations but in the period of competition, applicants face difficulty to crack the exams. However, you should command Mixed General Knowledge Questions, If you want to crack the competitive examinations on the first attempt. Mixed General Knowledge Questions and Answers are significant motifs under the General Knowledge section for competitive examinations. Try to break it.
Then, I'm participating in Mixed General Knowledge Questions and Answers for SSC and other competitive examinations. In this composition under the General Knowledge section, we've covered all Questions of GK like Indian history, Geography, Economics, Polity, etc.
Also, Read Latest Current Affairs Questions 2022: Current Affairs Today
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Q :
Nagaur fair is held in which state of India?
(A) Madhya Pradesh
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Odisha
(D) Andhra Pradesh
How many planets are there in the solar system?
(A) 12
(B) 10
(C) 9
(D) 8
which one among the following formulates the fiscal policy In India?
(A) Planning Commission
(B) Ministry of Finance
(C) Finance Commission
(D) The Reserve Bank of India
Who prepared the first estimate of national income for the country?
(A) Central Statistical Organization
(B) National Sample Survey Organization
(C) National Income Committee
(D) Dadabhai Naoroji
Who first used the term Geographicca for geography?
(A) Herodotus
(B) Hikatius
(C) Hipparkus
(D) Eratosthenes
How much amount was provided by the Asian Development Bank (ADB) to the Government of India through a sovereign loan in 2021?
(A) USD 3.7 billion
(B) USD 4.6 billion
(C) USD 5.1 billion
(D) USD 2.9 billion
In which year was the Nightingale of India, Lata Mangeshkar was conferred with the prestigious Bharat Ratna Award?
(A) 2010
(B) 2005
(C) 2001
(D) 1999
At what percent did the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) retain the repo rate?
(A) 4%
(B) 3%
(C) 2%
(D) 5%
The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology (MeitY) has tied up with which company to train Indian startups in building apps and games for the global market?
(A) Intel
(C) Apple
(D) Google
Which country has recently been declared by the US as a “non-NATO ally” status?
(A) China
(B) Qatar
(C) Iraq
(D) Iran
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