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Modern Indian History GK Questions and Answers for Competitive

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Q :  

Read the statements carefully-

(1) Tikaram Paliwal is the only Chief Minister who has also been a Deputy ChiefMinister in Rajasthan.

(II) Hari Shankar Bhabhra has been the Deputy Chief Minister of Rajasthan for the longest time till now.

Which of the following option is correct?

(A) Only statement I is correct

(B) Only statement II is correct

(C) Both statements I and II are correct

(D) Both statements I and II are incorrect

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

All the statements are correct.

(I) Tikaram Paliwal is the only Chief Minister in Rajasthan who has also been the Deputy Chief Minister.

(II) Harishankar Bhabhadra has been the Deputy Chief Minister of Rajasthan for the longest period so far.

Q :  

In how many days an appeal can be made to the second appellate authority against the decision of the first appellate authority under the Rajasthan Public Service Guarantee Act, 2011?

(A) 15 Days

(B) 30 Days

(C) 45 Days

(D) 60 Days

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :

1. It is an Act to provide for the delivery of certain services to the people of the State by the public authority within the prescribed time limit and related matters.

2. Under the Rajasthan Public Service Guarantee Act, 2011, an appeal can be made to the Second Appellate Authority within 60 days against the decision of the First Appellate Authority.

Q :  

The Governor of Rajasthan is the ex officio Chancellor of -

(A) All the State Universities as well as all the Central Universities working in the territory of Rajasthan.

(B) All the State as well as Private Universities of Rajasthan.

(C) All the State Universities of Rajasthan.

(D) All the State and Private Universities as well as Central Universities working in the territory of Rajasthan.

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

1. The Governor is the ex-officio Chancellor of the State Universities.

2. The Governor appoints the Vice-Chancellor on the advice/consultation with the State Government.

3. The Chancellor also presides over the convocation of state universities.

4. The Chancellor appoints his nominees to various bodies such as the Senate, Syndicate, Board of Management, Selection Committee and Academic Council of State Universities.

Q :  

The Governor of Rajasthan is the Chancellor, choose the correct option-

(A) All State Universities and all Central Universities operating in the State

(B) All state and private universities

(C) All State Universities

(D) All State Universities, Central Universities located in the State and all Private Universities in the State

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

1. The Governor is the ex-officio Chancellor of the State Universities.

2. The Governor appoints the Vice-Chancellor on the advice/consultation with the State Government.

3. The Chancellor also presides over the convocation of state universities.

4. The Chancellor appoints his nominees to various bodies such as the Senate, Syndicate, Board of Management, Selection Committee and Academic Council of State Universities.

Q :  

 Consider the following statements regarding the Governor of Rajasthan :
(1) He is the Chancellor of the Central University of Rajasthan.
(2) He can hold any office of profit in the State.
(3) He is the President of the Indian Red Cross Society, Rajasthan State Branch.
(4) They do not have any self-discretionary power under the Constitution.
Which of the above statement(s) is/are correct?

(A) both 2 and 3

(B) 3 only

(C) 2 , 3 and 4

(D) 1, 2, 3 and 4

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

1. The Governor is the ex-officio Chancellor of the State Universities.

2. The Governor appoints the Vice-Chancellor on the advice/consultation with the State Government.

3. The Chancellor also presides over the convocation of state universities.

4. The Chancellor appoints his nominees to various bodies such as the Senate, Syndicate, Board of Management, Selection Committee and Academic Council of State Universities.

5. He is the President of the Indian Red Cross Society, Rajasthan State Branch.

Q :  

President's rule was imposed for the maximum number of times during the tenure of which of the following Chief Minister of Rajasthan?

(A) Bhairon Singh Shekhawat

(B) Mohan Lal Sukhadia

(C) Haridev Joshi

(D) Shiv Charan Mathur

Correct Answer : A
Explanation :

In Rajasthan, the President's rule was imposed the maximum number of times (2 times - 1980, 1992) during the tenure of Chief Minister Bhairon Singh Shekhawat.

Q :  

Rajasthan Public Service Guarantee Act 2011 came into force in the state - 

(A) 26th January 2011

(B) 15th August 2011

(C) 02nd October 2011

(D) 14th November 2011

Correct Answer : D
Explanation :

In accordance with this announcement, 'Rajasthan Public Services Guarantee Delivery Act-2011' has been implemented in the state from November 14, 2011, the birth anniversary of the first Prime Minister of India, Pandit Jawahar Lal Nehru.

Q :  

Which of the following settles the consumer disputes at district level? 

(A) Sessions Court

(B) District Court

(C) District Forum

(D) District Collector

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

1. District Forum settles consumer disputes at the district level.

2. The District Forum deals with complaints where the value of goods or services does not exceed fifty lakh rupees. A complaint in respect of any goods sold or any service may be filed by the State Government as representative of the interests of the common consumers with the District Forum.

Q :  

Who among the following is not a rural administration officer? 

(A) Patwari

(B) Municipal ward councillor

(C) Land record officer

(D) Lekhpal

Correct Answer : B
Explanation :

He is a rural administrative officer.

( 1 ) Patwari

( 2 ) Land record officer

( 4 ) Lekhpal

Q :  

Who presides over the joint sitting of Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha?

(A) President

(B) Prime Minister

(C) Speaker of the Lok Sabha

(D) Vice President

Correct Answer : C
Explanation :

The Speaker of the Lok Sabha presides over the joint sitting of the Lok Sabha and the Rajya Sabha. The Deputy Speaker of the Lok Sabha presides in his absence.

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