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Number Analogy related Verbal Reasoning Questions

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number analogy verbal reasoning questionsnumber analogy verbal reasoning questions

Number analogy questions and Answers : Verbal Reasoning

Direction (51-60) : In which of the following questions, choose one number which is similar to the numbers in the given set.

Q.51. Given Set : (9, 15, 21) 

(A) (10, 14, 16)

(B) (7, 21, 28)

(C) (5, 10, 25)

(D) (6, 9, 10)

Ans .   D

Q.52. Given Set : (14, 23, 32) 

(A) (15, 23, 31)

(B) (14, 19, 24)

(C) (13, 21, 29)

(D) (12, 21, 30)

Ans .   D

Q.53. Given Set : (1, 8, 27) 

(A) (5, 12, 32)

(B) (32, 39, 59)

(C) (60, 79, 86)

(D) (64, 125, 216)

Ans .   D

Q54. Given Set : (49, 25, 9) 

(A) (36, 16, 4)

(B) (36, 25, 16)

(C) (39, 26, 13)

(D) (64, 27, 8)

Ans .   A

Q.55. Given Set : (6, 36, 63) 

(A) (7, 49, 98)

(B) (8, 64, 46)

(C) (9, 84, 45)

(D) (11, 111, 84)

Ans .   B

Q.56. Given Set : (21, 51, 15) 

(A) (21, 30, 51)

(B) (21, 35, 41)

(C) (21, 51, 42)

(D) (21, 91, 35)

Ans .   D

Q.57. Given Set : (8, 3, 2) 

(A) (10, 6, 5)

(B) (63, 8, 3)

(C) (95, 24, 5)

(D) (168, 15, 4)

Ans .   B

Q.58. Given Set : (23, 29, 37) 

(A) (13, 15, 23)

(B) (17, 21, 29)

(C) (31, 37, 49)

(D) (41, 47, 53)

Ans .   D

Q.59. Given Set : (18, 8, 2) 

(A) (3, 7, 1)

(B) (11, 12, 10)

(C) (17, 9, 3)

(D) (24, 22, 4)

Ans .   D

Q.60. Given Set : (63, 49, 35) 

(A) (72, 40, 24)

(B) (72, 48, 24)

(C) (64, 40, 28)

(D) (81, 63, 45)

Ans .   D

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