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Partnership Questions for Bank Exams

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Selective Partnership Questions and Answers

Q.6. A started a business with Rs. 52,000 and after 4 months B joined him with Rs. 39,000. At the end of the year, out of the total profit B received total 20,000 including 25% of the profit as commission for managing the business. What amount did A receive?

(A) Rs. 20,000

(B) Rs. 10,000

(C) Rs. 15,000

(D) None of these

Ans .  A

Q.7. A working partner get 20% as his commission of the profit after his commission is paid. If the working partner’s commission is Rs. 8000, Then what is the total profit in the business?

(A) Rs. 47,000

(B) Rs. 45,000

(C) Rs. 48,000

(D) None of these

Ans .  C

Q.8. Sharma Reader publication makes a profit of 9,00,000, 20% of which is paid as taxes. If the rest is divided among the partners P Q and R in the ratio of  , then the shares of P, Q and R are respectively:

(A) Rs. 2,40,000; Rs. 3,20,000; Rs. 1,60,000

(B) Rs. 3,20,000; Rs. 2,40,000; Rs. 1.60,000

(C) Rs. 1,60,000; Rs. 3,20,000; Rs. 2,40,000

(D) Rs. 1,60,000; Rs. 2,40,000; Rs. 3,20,000

Ans .  D

Q.9. We have to divide a sum of Rs. 13,950 among three person A, B and C. B must get the double of A’s share and C must get Rs. 50 less than the double of B’s share. The share of A will be : 

(A) Rs. 1950

(B) Rs. 1981.25

(C) Rs. 2000

(D) Rs. 2007.75

Ans .  C

Q.10. A started business with Rs. 45,000 and B joined after ward with 30,000. If the profit at the end of a year was divided in the ratio 2 : 1 respectively, then B would have joined A for business after.

(A) 1 month

(B) 2 month

(C) 3 month 

(D) 4 month 

Ans .  C

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