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Partnership Quiz Questions for Competitive Exams

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Q :  

Reshmi and Rahul invested Rs. 6000 and Rs. 8000 in a business for 6 months and 8 months respectively. Rahul being an working partner earned 23/4% profit out of a total profit of Rs. 36000 and after this the rest of the profit was divided according to their investments. What is Rahul's profit amount?

(A) 24780.30

(B) 23785.20

(C) 23885.20

(D) 27785.20

(E) None of these

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

Three partners invested Rs. 42000, Rs. 48000 and Rs. 32000 respectively. partnership condition is that, each will the get interest on his capital at the rate of 7 % p. a. and the remaining profit will be divided in the ratio of their capitals. If at the end of the year the total profit is Rs. 32940, then find the share of A in profit. 

(A) ₹ 12960

(B) ₹ 11340

(C) ₹ 8640

(D) None of these

Correct Answer : B

Q :  

A and B started a boutique investing amounts of ₹ 35,000 and ₹ 56, 000 respectively. If A ' s share in the profit earned by them is ₹ 45, 000 then what is - the total profit earned?

(A) ₹ 81,000

(B) ₹ 1,27,000

(C) ₹ 72,000

(D) ₹ 1,17, 000

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

Three friends Naimish, Ranveer and Arjun together started a business by investing Rs.250, Rs. 400 and Rs. 300 respectively. After 4 months Naimish invested Rs. 150 more and after 6 months Ranveer withdraw Rs. 100. While after 8 months Arjun invested Rs. 200 more. At the end of the year, a profit of Rs. 1280 is obtained. Find the share of Ranveer?

(A) Rs. 360

(B) Rs. 395

(C) Rs. 380

(D) Rs. 420

(E) Rs. 440

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

A and B started a business with investments Rs 3500 and Rs 2500 respectively. After 4 months C joined with Rs 6000. If the difference between C's share and B's share in the annual profit was Rs 1977, what was the total annual profit? 

(A) Rs 15620

(B) Rs 16240

(C) Rs 14690

(D) Rs 12770

(E) Rs 13180

Correct Answer : E

Q :  

Ganesh, Shankar and Sameer invested Rs. 4200, Rs. 8400 and 5400 respectively while starting a business. At the end of the year, they earned a profit of Rs. 24,000. Sameer invested 32% of. his share of the profit in a saving scheme. How much amount he is left with?

(A) ₹ 4280

(B) ₹ 4652

(C) ₹ 5520

(D) ₹ 4896

Correct Answer : D

Q :  

A, B, and C started a business. A invest 3,20,000 for 4 months and B invest 5.10,000 for 3 months and C invest 2,70,000 for 5 months. If the end of the year they get total profit of Rs. 1,24,800. Then find the share of B?

(A) 45,900

(B) 50,000

(C) 49,200

(D) 79,000

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

P and Q entered into a partnership investing Rs.16000 and Rs.12000 respectively. After 3 months P withdrew Rs.5000 while Q invested Rs.5000 more. After 3 more months R joins the business with a capital of Rs.21000. The share of Q exceeds that of R, out of a total profit of Rs.26488 after one year by? 

(A) Rs.3612

(B) Rs.3162

(C) Rs.3126

(D) Rs.3216

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

In a business A and B gained some amount in a certain ratio. B and C received the profit in the ratio as that of A and B. If A received ₹ 6,400 and C received ₹ 10,000. Find the share of B 

(A) ₹ 8,000

(B) ₹ 10,000

(C) ₹ 2,000

(D) ₹ 4,000

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

A, B and Center into a partnership with capitals in the ratio 5: 6: 8. At the end of the business term, they received the profit in the ratio 5: 3: 12. Find the ratio of time for which they contributed their capitals? 

(A) 2 : 3 : 1

(B) 3 : 2 : 1

(C) 2 : 1 : 3

(D) 1 : 2 : 3

Correct Answer : C

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