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Profit and Loss Objective Type Question for Competitive Exams

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Profit and Loss Objective Type Question for Competitive ExamsProfit and Loss Objective Type Question for Competitive Exams

Profit and Loss Questions 

Q.11 A man has 40 kg of tea, a part of which he sells at a 5% loss and the rest at the cost price. In this business, he gets a loss of 3%. Find the quantity which he sells at the cost price.

(A) 24

(B) 16

(C) 32

(D) 18

Ans .  B

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Q.12 A manufacturer, marks an item at 60% over his cost price, however during a sale. He offered a discount of 40% to customers Rs. If a customer pays Rs. 24 for the item, what was the manufacturer's profit/loss on the transaction?

(A) Rs. 4 profits

(B) Rs. 2 profits

(C) Rs. 16 losses

(D) Rs. 1 loss

Ans .  D

Q.13 A person computed his profit as % of the selling price and found it to be 100/3%. What was his actual profit (%)?

(A) 100/3

(B) 75

(C) 50

(D) 25

Ans .  C

Q.14 A merchant bought some goods at a discount of 20% of the list price, he wants to mark them at such a price that he can give a discount of 20% of the selling price. The % of the list price at which he should mark is….

(A) 200

(B) 100

(C 125

(D) 120

Ans .  D

Q.15 A dealer sells an article at a profit of ¼ of the cost. Had he sold it at a profit of ¼ of the selling price, he would have gained Rs. 50 more. The cost of the article is….

(A) Rs. 500

(B) Rs. 600

(C) Rs. 700

(D) Rs. 800

Ans .  D

Q.16 The ratio in which two brands of sugar costing Rs. 1.75 per kilo and Rs. 1.84 per kilo should be mixed together so that the mixture when sold at Rs. 2.25 per kilo yields a profit of 25% is……

(A) 3: 4

(B) 3: 7

(C) 5: 4

(D) 4: 5

Ans .  D

Q.17 When a shopkeeper sells an item at a 25% discount to the list price, he makes a profit of 25%. If he had sold it at the list price, his profit would have been.

(A) 50%

(B) 66 2/3 %

(C) 65%

(D) 62.5%

Ans .  B

Q.18 I buy apples at 6 for Rs. 5 and sell half of it at 3 for Rs. 4 and the rest at 4 for Rs. 3. What is my profit/loss%?

(A) profit 4.16%

(B) profit 25%

(C) loss 4.16%

(D) no profit, no loss

Ans .  B

Q.19 A grain merchant purchases 2 varieties of rice. The price of the first kind is twice that of the second. He sells the mixture for Rs. 28 per kg making a profit of 25%. If the ratio of the first to the second is 2: 3 in the mixture, then the variety cost is……

(A) Rs. 8 per kg

(B) Rs. 16 per kg

(C) Rs. 32 per kg

(D) Rs. 28 per kg

Ans .  C

Q.20 What is the gain per cent, if bananas are bought at 6 for 450 P and sold at 5 for 525 P?

(A) 40%

(B) 20%

(C) 25%

(D) 50%

Ans .  A

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