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Puzzle Solving Questions with Answers in English

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Puzzle Questions and Answers with Solutions

Directions (12 to 16): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below it: 

From amongst five doctors A, B, C, D and E, four engineers G, H, K and L and six teachers M, N, 0, P, Q and R, some teams are to be selected. Of these, A, B, G, H, O, P and Q are females and the rest are males.

The formation of teams is subject to the following conditions:

Wherever there is a male doctor, there will be no female teacher.

Wherever there is a male engineer, there will be no female doctor.

There shall not be more than two male teachers in any team.

Q.12. If the team consists of two doctors, three female teachers, and two engineers, the members of the team are

(a) A, B, O, P, Q, G, H

(b) C, D, K, L, O, P, Q

(c) C, D, O, P, Q, G, H

(d) D, E, G, H, O, P, Q

Ans .  A

Q.13 If the team consists of two doctors, one engineer and four teachers, all the following team are possible except

(a) A, B, G, M, N, O, P

(b) A, B, H, M, O, P, Q

(c) A, B, H, M, R, P, Q

(d) A, B, K, N, R, P, Q

Ans .  D

Q.14. If the team consists of two doctors, two female teachers and two engineers, the following teams are possible except 

(a) A, B, G, H, O, Q

(b) A, B, G, H, P, Q

(c) A, B, K, L, P, Q

(d) O, P,  G, H, A, B

Ans .  C

Q.15. If the team consists of three doctors, two male engineers and two teachers, the member of the team could be 

(a) A, B, C, K, L, M, R

(b) B, C, D, K, L, N, R

(c) C, D, E, K, L, M, N

(d) C, D, E, K, L, P, R

Ans .  C

Q.16. If the team consists of two doctors, two engineers and two teachers, all of the following teams are possible except 

(a) A, B, G, H, O, P

(b) A, B, G, H, M, N

c) C, E, K, L, N, R

(d) C, D, K, L, O, P

Ans .  D

Solution(12 to 16)

12. The doctors are A, B, C, D and E; female teachers are O, P and Q, engineers are G H, K and L. The three female teachers to be selected are O, P and Q.

Now, wherever there is a male doctor, there will be no female teacher. But three female teachers are selected. So, C, D and E cannot be selected. Thus, two doctors selected are A and B.

Since female doctors are selected, so male engineers K and L cannot be selected. Hence, the team formed is A, B, O, P, Q, G, H.

13. The doctors are A, B, C, D and E; engineers are G, H, K and L; teachers are M, N, O, P, Q and R. Four teachers are needed. There are three male teachers. So, female teachers are also to be selected. So, male doctors i.e. C, D and E cannot be selected. Thus, the two doctors selected will be A and B.

Both the doctors selected are females. So, male engineer K or L cannot be selected and either G or H is to be chosen. Clearly, the impossible team is A, B, K, N, R, P, Q because K is not to be selected.

14. The doctors are A, B, C, D and E; female teachers are O, P and Q; engineers are G, H, K and L. Since two female teachers are to be selected, so male doctors i.e. C, D and E cannot be selected. Thus, the two doctors selected will be A and B. Both the doctors are females. So, male engineer K or L cannot be selected and G and H are to be chosen.

Clearly, the only impossible team is A, B, K, L, P, Q.

15. The doctors are A, B, C, D and E; male engineers are K and L; teachers are M, N, O, P, Q and R. Clearly, the two male engineers to be selected are K and L.

Since male engineers are selected, so female doctors i.e. A and B cannot be selected. Thus, three doctors to be selected are C, D and E. The doctors selected are all males. So, female teachers O, P and Q cannot be selected. Thus, two teachers out of M, N and R are to be selected.

Hence, the possible team is C, D, E, K, L, M, N

16. Since no particular specifications are given, so we shall verify the correctness of the suggested teams separately. Clearly, C, D, K, L, O, P is incorrect because C and D are male doctors and so cannot go with female teachers O and P.

Directions ( 17 to 21 ): Study the information given below and answer the questions that follow: 

There are five persons P, Q, R, S and T. One is football player, one is chess player and one is hockey player. P and S are unmarried ladies and do not participate in any game. None of the ladies plays chess or football. There is a married couple in which T is the husband. Q is the brother of R and is neither a chess player nor a hockey player.

Q.17. Who is the football player?

(A) P

(B) Q

(C) R

(D) S

(E) T

Ans .  B

Q.18. Who is the hockey player?

(A) P

(B) Q

(C) R

(D) S

(E) T

Ans .  C

Q.19. Who is the chess player?

(A) P

(B) Q

(C) R

(D) S

(E) T

Ans .  E

Q.20. Who is the wife of T?

(A) P

(B) Q

(C) R

(D) S

(E) None of these

Ans .  C

Q.21. The three ladies are:

(A) P, Q, R

(B) Q, R, S

(C) P, Q, S

(D) P, R, S

(E) None of these.

Ans .  D

Solution(17 to 21)

Q is neither a hockey player nor a chess player. So, Q must be a football player and thus cannot be a lady. T is a husband (not a lady) and so must be a chess player. Hence, R must be a hockey player, and therefore she must be a lady and T’s wife. So, the information can be summarised as follows:

17.(b): Q is the football player.

18. (c): R is the hockey player.

19. (e): T is the chess player.

20. (c): R is the wife of T.

21. (d): The three ladies are P, R and S.

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