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Top 100 Quantitative Aptitude Questions and Answers

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Important Aptitude Questions with Answers

Q.61. A train 110 metres long is running with a speed of 60 kmph. In what time will it pass a man who is running at 6 kmph in the direction opposite to that in which the train is going?

(A) 5 sec

(B) 6 sec

(C) 7 sec

(D) 10 sec

Ans .  B

Q.62. A train moves with a speed of 108 kmph. Its speed in metres per second is :

(A) 10.8 

(B) 18

(C) 30     

(D) 38.8

Ans .  C

Q.63. A goods train runs at the speed of 72 kmph and crosses a 250 m long platform in 26 seconds. What is the length of the goods train?

(A) 230 m

(B) 240 m

(C) 260 m

(D) 270 m

Ans .  D

Q.64. A train moves past a telegraph post and a bridge 264 m long in 8 seconds and 20 seconds respectively. What is the speed of the train?

(A) 69.5 km/hr   

(B) 70 km/hr

(C) 79 km/hr       

(D) 79.2 km/hr

Ans .  D

Q.65. Two trains 140 m and 160 m long run at the speed of 60 km/hr and 40 km/hr respectively in opposite directions on parallel tracks. The time (in seconds) which they take to cross each other, is:

(A) 9

(B) 9.6

(C) 10

(D) 10.8

Ans .  D

Q.66. Two trains 140 m and 160 m long run at the speed of 60 km/hr and 40 km/hr respectively in opposite directions on parallel tracks. The time (in seconds) which they take to cross each other, is:

(A) 9       

(B) 9.6

(C) 10     

(D) 10.8

Ans .  D

Q.67. A 270 metres long train running at the speed of 120 kmph crosses another train running in opposite direction at the speed of 80 kmph in 9 seconds. What is the length of the other train?

(A) 230 m

(B) 240 m

(C) 260 m

(D) 320 m

(E) None of these

Ans .  A

Q.68. Two stations P and Q are 110 km apart on a straight track. One train starts from P at 7 a.m. and travels towards Q at 20 kmph. Another train starts from Q at 8 a.m. and travels towards P at a speed of 25 kmph. At what time will they meet?

(A) 10.30              

(B) 10

(C) 8.45 

(D) 9.30

Ans .  B

Q.69. Two trains, each 100 m long, moving in opposite directions, cross each other in 8 seconds. If one is moving twice as fast the other, then the speed of the faster train is:

(A) 30 km/hr

(B) 45 km/hr

(C) 60 km/hr

(D) 75 km/hr

Ans .  C

Q.70. Two trains of equal length , running in opposite directions , pass a pole in 18 and 12 seconds. The trains will cross each other in 

(A) 14.4 sec         

(B) 15.5 sec

(C) 18.8 sec         

(D) 20.2 sec


Ans .  A

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