A and B started a business by investing Rs 350000 and Rs 140000 respectively. A gets 20% of the yearly profit for managing the business. Thereafter the profit is divided in the ratio of the capital. If A receive totally Rs 38000 more than B at the end of a year, then the profit is -
5 4981 5f0ec77af4c8bf4bad01ec1e
A and B started a business by investing Rs 350000 and Rs 140000 respectively. A gets 20% of the yearly profit for managing the business. Thereafter the profit is divided in the ratio of the capital. If A receive totally Rs 38000 more than B at the end of a year, then the profit is -
- 1₹ 105000false
- 2₹ 70000true
- 3₹ 28000false
- 4₹ 280000false
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