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Q: In a certain code language, 'is uc he bh kr' mean 'Lucky likes to dance freely', 'ha by lm kr op' mean 'Dance can be a hobby', 'he id ac kr bh' mean 'Lucky teaches dance to kids' and 'kr id bh tw uc' mean 'Kids dance freely with Lucky'. Now answer the given question. 'Lucky likes to dance with kids' can be coded as ?

  • 1
    he kr op id uc tw
  • 2
    bh is he kr tw id
  • 3
    ac tw op bh uc id
  • 4
    None of the above
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Answer : 2. "bh is he kr tw id"
Explanation :

Answer: B) bh is he kr tw id Explanation: From given data, codes for Lucky - bh Likes - is to - he Dance - kr with - tw Kids - id Hence, Lucky like to dance with kids can be coded as 'bh is he kr tw id'.

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