Mahendra, Rajendra, Mukesh, Raghav, Ram and Dinesh are sitting in a row. Rajendra is sitting between Mahendra and Raghav. Mahendra is sitting next to Mukesh. Mukesh is sitting next to Dinesh, who is to the immediate left and Ram is sitting next to Raghav. Who is sitting between Mahendra and Raghav -
5 682 619b57f5c1c85f0fbf3a5208
Mahendra, Rajendra, Mukesh, Raghav, Ram and Dinesh are sitting in a row. Rajendra is sitting between Mahendra and Raghav. Mahendra is sitting next to Mukesh. Mukesh is sitting next to Dinesh, who is to the immediate left and Ram is sitting next to Raghav. Who is sitting between Mahendra and Raghav -
- 1Mukeshfalse
- 2Ramfalse
- 3Rajendratrue
- 4Dineshfalse
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