The ages of Anshu, Bharti and Charita together are 57 years. Bharti is thrice as old as Anshu and Charita is 12 years older than Anshu. Then, the respective age of Anshu, Bharti and Charita is:
5 583 61f8f2e40f51a110a8e1c7c5
The ages of Anshu, Bharti and Charita together are 57 years. Bharti is thrice as old as Anshu and Charita is 12 years older than Anshu. Then, the respective age of Anshu, Bharti and Charita is:
- 18, 26, 23 (years)false
- 29, 27, 21 (years)true
- 38, 25, 24 (years)false
- 49, 26, 22 (years)false
- 59, 28, 20 (years)false
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