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The Lok Sabha consists of:  

  • 1
    550 members, out of which 530 are from states, 18 from Union Territories and 2 nominated from Anglo-Indian community .
  • 2
    552 members, out of which 530 are from states, 20 from Union Territories and 2 nominated from Anglo - Indian community .
  • 3
    250 members , out of which 238 are elected members and 12 nominated by President.
  • 4
    255 members, out of which 240 are elected members and 15 nominated by President.
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Answer : 2. "552 members, out of which 530 are from states, 20 from Union Territories and 2 nominated from Anglo - Indian community . "
Explanation :

The Lok Sabha is composed of representatives of people chosen by direct election on the basis of Universal Adult Suffrage. The Constitution of India allows for a maximum of 550 members in the House, with 530 members representing the States and 20 representing the Union Territories.

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