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Ratio and Proportion Questions and Answers Aptitude Problems

2 years ago 69.2K Views
Q :  

The ratio of the present ages of Ramu and his mother is 2 : 5 and that of his mother and his father is 5 : 6. After 2 years the ratio of the ages of Ramu to that of his father will be 4 : 11. What is the present age of Ramu?

(A) 28 years

(B) 42 years

(C) 14 years

(D) 35 years

(E) None of these

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

The ratio of income & savings of a man is in ratio of 16:3 respectively. If his savings increases by 1/3 rd and expenditure increased by 1/2, then find the ratio of new income to earlier income of man?

(A) 39:32

(B) 23:16

(C) 47:32

(D) 32:19

(E) 47 : 36

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

If ratio of salary of A to that of B is 1:3 and each spends 15% of his salary on house rent. Find the house rent paid by A if remaining amount with A and B together is Rs 42500.

(A) Rs 1800

(B) Rs 1845

(C) Rs 1785

(D) Rs 1760

(E) Rs 1875

Correct Answer : E

Q :  

Average present ages of A, B and C is 25 years. The ratio of the present ages of B and C is 4:5. After 6 years, the ratio will be B and C is 5:6, then what is the present age of A?

(A) 21 years

(B) 23 years

(C) 24 years

(D) 18 years

(E) None of these

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Ratio of the monthly income of A to B is 4:3 and the ratio of the monthly income of B to C is 2:1. If the difference between the C’s monthly income and his savings is Rs.12000 and the saving’s of C is half of his expenditure, then what is the average of the income of A, B and C?

(A) Rs.34000

(B) Rs.31000

(C) Rs.27000

(D) Rs.29000

(E) None of these

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

Ratio of the employees in company A to B is 6: 5 and the number of employees in C to A is 13: 10. If the ratio of the number of male to female employees in A, B and C is 7: 5, 2: 3 and 7: 6 respectively, then the number of female employees in all the companies together is approximately what percent of the total number of employees in all the companies together?

(A) 42%

(B) 45%

(C) 48%

(D) 51%

(E) 54%

Correct Answer : C

Q :  

A certain amount was to be distribute between X, Y and Z in the ratio of 1 : 2 : 3 respectively. At the time of distribution amount distributed wrong in the ratio of 5 : 4 : 6 due to which X got 305 Rs. more. Find the actual amount get by Z.

(A) Rs. 915

(B) Rs. 477

(C) Rs. 610

(D) Rs.183

(E) Rs. 305

Correct Answer : E

Q :  

The ratio of two numbers is 3:8 and their difference is 115. The smaller of the two numbers is:

(A) 184

(B) 194

(C) 69

(D) 59

Correct Answer : C

Q :  Milk and water are in 7:2 ratio in a mixture of 729 litres. How much water shall be mixed in it in order to change this ratio to 7:3?

(A) 81

(B) 72

(C) 45

(D) 56

Correct Answer : A

Q :  

The average of the test scores of a class of 'x' students is 80 and that of 'y' student is 94. When the scores of both the classes are combined, the average becomes 86. What is the ratio of x to y?

(A) 6 : 5

(B) 5 : 4

(C) 4 : 3

(D) 7 : 6

(E) 3 : 2

Correct Answer : C

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