As all know RRB NTPC Declared its Revised result on 30 March 2022. As per guidelines from RRB, Railway NTPC CBT-2 Exam will be held in the month of April 2022. To help you do the best preparation and to check in your present level in the final days, we have come up with a new blog RRB NTPC Important Questions: Prelims & Mains.
This blog covers all subject important questions Like General knowledge, Current Affairs, Computer GK, General science, and Reasoning.
Q :
The liquid used in simple barometer is
(A) Water
(B) Mercury
(C) Alcohol
(D) All of the above
Which of the following instruments is used for measuring the depth of the ocean?
(A) Galvanometer
(B) Ammeter
(C) Barometer
(D) Fathometer
Dobson ' unit is used for the measurement
(A) Thickness of Earth
(B) Thickness of Diamond
(C) Thickness of Ozone layer
(D) Measurement of Noise
Where is urea separated from the blood?
(A) Intestine
(B) Stomach
(C) Spleen
(D) Kidney
Children's session was organized in the Legislative Assembly of which state on 14th November , 2021 ?
(A) Delhi
(B) Rajasthan
(C) Tamil Nadu
(D) None of these
On Children’s Day on November 14, the birth anniversary of India’s first prime minister Jawaharlal Nehru, the Rajasthan assembly will hold a special session for schoolchildren to help them experience how the House functions.
Chemically vermillion is :
(A) Calcium carbonate
(B) Potassium sulphide
(C) Mercuric sulphide
(D) Sodium chloride
Which one of the following substance is used in photography and also as an antichlor ?
(A) Chrome red
(B) Sodium thisosulphate
(C) Hydrogen peroxide
(D) Calomel
What are Rubies and Sapphires chemically known as ?
(A) Silicon dioxide
(B) Aluminum oxide
(C) Lead tetroxide
(D) Boron nitride
A total of 334 coins of 20 paise and 25 paise are combined to make Rs 71, then what is the number of 25 paise coins?
(A) 124
(B) 250
(C) 200
(D) 84
A sample of any of the following substances dis appears after sometime when exposed to air like camphor, naphthalene or dry ice . This phenomenon is called .
(A) Sublimation
(B) Evaporation
(C) Diffusion
(D) Radiation
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