Generally in almost all competition exam questions related to Indian History, Science, Economy, Sports, Geography, Ancient Civilization, Banking, General Knowledge (GK) related to the world, which students need special attention. Also, general knowledge is the section in which the candidates have the ease to solve maximum number of questions in a short time and thus they can score higher in the exam.
Here, I am providing the Selective General Knowledge Questions and Answers for learners who are preparing for competitive exams. In this post, I have updated the most important questions, answers around the Daily GK with the latest General Knowledge Questions about many topics covered.
Students can easily get free general knowledge questions on this platform for online exam practice to obtain good marks in the competitive exams. Current Affairs Mock Test 2019 and Monthly Current Affair.
Q :
"Surya Kiran" is a joint military exercise between India and which country
(A) Bangladesh
(B) Sri Lanka
(C) Bhutan
(D) Nepal
How was "24 December" celebrated in the country
(A) 29th National Consumer Day
(B) Goodwill Day
(C) 1st National Good Governance Day
When did the "Arms Trade Treaty" come into existence?
(A) December 2014
(B) February 2015
(C) January 2015
(D) None of the above
Where was the first white tiger seen in India?
(A) Kolkata
(B) Rewa
(C) Jalgaon
(D) Bhopal
Who used the term Eco.system?
(A) P. Levelhaler
(B) Pank
(C) V. Lal
(D) A. G. Tensley
Dance drama Surdas and Shankaria belong to which professional caste?
(A) Patar
(B) Bhavai
(C) Nut
(D) Bhand
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