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Sequential Output Tracing Reasoning Questions

6 years ago 7.5K Views

In the sequential output tracing, have includes letters or words or numbers like as given the data took after by steps of adjustments to give sequential output. Some students face difficulties while solving sequential output tracing reasoning questions in the competitive exams.

So, here I am sharing the important sequential output tracing questions for your practice and you can improve your performance easily by practice these questions.   

Sequential Output Tracing Questions

Direction(1-5): An electronic device rearranges numbers step by step in a particular order according to a set of rules. The device stops when the final result in obtained. In this case, the device stops at Step V.

Input:  85 16 36 04 19 97 63 09

Step 1: 97 85 16 36 04 19 63 09

Step 2: 97 85 63 16 36 04 19 09

Step 3: 97 85 63 36 16 04 19 09

Step 4: 97 85 63 36 19 16 04 09

Step 5: 97 85 63 36 19 16 09 04

Study the above arrangement carefully and then answer the following questions:

Q.1. Which of the following will be Step III for the input below?

Input: 09 25 16 30 32 18 17 06

(A) 32 30 25 09 16 18 17 06

(B) 32 30 09 25 16 18 17 06

(C) 32 09 25 16 30 18 17 06

(D) 32 30 09 25 16 19 17 06

Ans .   A

Q.2. Which is the last step for the input below?

Input: 16 09 25 27 06 05

(A) Step II

(B) Step III

(C) Step IV

(D) None of these

Ans .   A

Q.3. What is the output of Step V for the input below?

Input: 25 08 35 11 88 67 23

(A) 08 11 23 25 35 67 88

(B) 88 67 35 25 23 11 08

(C) 88 67 35 25 23 08 11

(D) None of these

Ans .   B

Q.4. Which one the following would be the last step for the input below?

Input: 03 31 43 22 11 09

(A) Step II

(B) Step III

(C) Step IV

(D) None of these.

Ans .   D

Q.5. If the output of Step IV is as given below, what was the input?

Step IV: 92 86 71 69 15 19 06 63 58

(A) 15 19 06 63 58 86 92 69 71

(B) 15 86 19 92 06 69 63 58 71

(C) 86 92 69 71 15 19 06 63 58

(D) Cannot be determined

Ans .   D

Carefully observing the sample sequence, we observe that in the given arrangement, the numbers have been arranged in descending order (from left to right) in a sequence, altering the position of only one number in each step, followed by the other numbers as it is. The process continues till the whole set of numbers is arranged in descending order.

1. Input: 09 25 16 30 32 18 17 06

Step I:  32 09 25 16 30 18 17 06

Step II: 32 30 09 25 16 18 17 06

Step III: 32 30 25 09 16 18 17 06

Hence, the answer is (a).

2. Input: 16 09 25 27 06 05

Step I:     27 16 09 25 06 05

Step II:    27 25 16 09 06 05

The whole set of numbers gets arranged in descending order in Step II itself. So, Step II is the last step for the given input. Hence, the answer is (a).

3. Input: 25 08 35 11 88 67 23

Step I:     88 25 08 35 11 67 23

Step II:    88 67 25 08 35 11 23

Step III:   88 67 35 25 08 11 23

Step IV:   88 67 35 25 23 08 11

Step V:    88 67 35 25 23 11 08

Hence, the answer is (b).

4. Input: 03 31 43 22 11 09

Step I:    43 03 31 31 22 11 09

Step II: 43 31 03 22 11 09

Step III: 43 31 22 03 11 09

Step IV: 43 31 22 11 03 09

Step V: 43 31 22 11 09 03

Clearly, Step V is the last step for the given input. Hence, the answer is (d)

5. Since the numbers may be rearranged in several possible ways, so it is not possible to determine the exact input. Hence, the answer is (b).

Direction (6-9): A number sorting machine when given an input of numbers, rearranges them in a particular manner step by step as indicated below till all the numbers are arranged. Given below is an illustration of this arrangement.

Input:   39 121 48 18 76 112   14   45  63   96

Step I:   14 39 121 48 18 76    112  45  63   96

Step II:  14 39 48  18  76  112  45   63  96    121

Step III: 14 18 39  48  76  112  45   63   96   121

Step IV: 14 18 39  48  76  45    63    96   112  121

Step V:  14 18 39  45  48  76     63   96   112  121

Step VI: 14 18 39  45  48  63     76    96   112   121

And Step VI is the last step for this input.

Q.6. What will be step III for the following input?

Input: 68 182 39 93 129 46 21 58

(A) 21 39 129  93  46  58  182

(B) 21 39  93 129  46  58  182

(C) 21 68 93  129  46  58  182

(D) Cannot be determined

(E) None of these

Ans .   B

Q.7. Given below is the fifth step of an input. What will be the third step?

Step V: 17 32 43 82 69 93 49 56 99 106

(A) 17 32 82 43 69 93 49 56 99 106

(B) 17 32 82 69 43 93 49 56 99 106

(C) 17 32 82 69 93 43 49 56 99 106

(D) 17 32 82 69 43 93 56 56 99 106

(E) Cannot be determined.

Ans .   E

Q.8. What will be the last step for the following input?

Input: 138 63 49 93 89 122 32 71

(A) 32 49 63 71 89 93 122 138

(B) 32 49 71 63 89 93 122 138

(C) 32 49 63 71 93 89 122 138

(D) Cannot be determined

(E) None of these

Ans .  A

Q.9. How many steps will be required for getting the final output for the following input ?

Input: 101 85 66 49 73 39 142 25 115 74

(A) Five

(B) Six

(C) Seven

(D) Eight

(E) None of these

Ans .   D

The numbers are arranged in ascending order stepwise from left to right, rearranging only one number at each step – one number from the beginning and one number from the end, alternately.

6. Input : 68 182 39 93 129 46 21 58

Step I:  21 68 182 39 93 129 46 58

Step II: 21 68 39  93  129 46 58 182

Step III: 21 39 68 93  129  46 58 182

7. Since the numbers may be rearranged in several possible ways, so it is not possible to determine any of the previous steps.

8. Clearly, the last step would be the one containing the whole set of numbers in ascending order from left to right.

9. Input : 101 85 66 49 73 39 142 25 115 74

Step I:  25 101 85 66 49 73 39 142 115 74

Step II: 25 101 85 66 49 73 39 115 74  142

Step III: 25 39 101 85 66 49 73 115 74 142

Step IV: 25 39 101 85 66 49 73 74 115 142

Step V: 25 39 49 101 85 66 73 74  115 142

Step VI: 25 39 49 85 66  73 74 101 115 142

Step VII: 25 39 49 66 85 73 74 101 115 142

Step VIII: 25 39 49 66 73 74 85 101 115 142

Step VIII is the last step for the given input.

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