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Syllogism Questions on Possibility with Answers for Competitive Exams

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syllogism questions on possibilitysyllogism questions on possibility

Selective Syllogism Questions on Possibility:

Directions (17-21): In each of the following questions two statements are given and these statements are followed by two conclusions numbered (1) and (2). You have to take the given two statements to be true even if they seem to be at variance from commonly known facts. Read the conclusions and then decide which of the given conclusions logically follows from the two given statements, disregarding commonly known facts. Give answer:

(A) If only (1) conclusion follows       

(B) If only (2) conclusion follows

(C) If either (1) or (2) follows

(D) If neither (1) nor (2) follows and

(E) If both (1) and (2) follow


1. Some red are blue.

2. Some green are red.


I. Some green are blue.

II. All green being blue is a possibility

Ans .   A


1. Some doors are window.

2. No window is a house.


I. All house being door is a possibility.

II. At least some house is a window.

Ans .   E


1. All  bronze are gold.

2. Some silver are gold.


I. Some bronze are silver.

II. No bronze is a silver

Ans .   B

Q.20. Statements: 

1. All TV are LCD.

2. Some LCD are LED.


I. Some LED are TV.

II. All TV being LED is a possibility.

Ans .   B


1. Some men are women.

2. No women is child.


I. Some men being child is a possibility

II. Some child are women

Ans .   A

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