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Time and Distance Questions with Answers for Bank PO and SSC Exams

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Problems on time and distanceProblems on time and distance

Problems on Time and Distance

Q.76 A and B runs around a circular track. A beats B by one round or 10 minutes. In this race, they had completed 4 rounds. If the race was only of one round, find the A's time over the course:

(A) 8 min              

(B) 7.5 min

(C) 12.5 min        

(D) 12 min

Ans .  B

Q.77 A man covered a certain distance at some speed. Had he moved 3 kmph faster, he would have taken 40 minutes less. If he had moved 2 kmph slower, he would have taken 40 minutes more. The distance (in km) is 

(A) 30    

(B) 36

(C) 40     

(D) 42

Ans .  C

Q.78 It takes eight hours for a 600 km journey, if 120 km is done by train and the rest by car. It takes 20 minutes more, if 200 km is done by train and the rest by car. The ratio of the speed of the train to that of the cars is:

(A) 2 : 3

(B) 3 : 2

(C) 3 : 4

(D) 4 : 3

Ans .  C

Q.79 A man covers a distance of 1200 km in 70 days resting 9 hours a day, if he rests 10 hours a day and walks with speed 1½ times of the previous in how many days will he cover 840 km ?

(A) 39 days          

(B) 37 days

(C) 35 days          

(D) 33 days

Ans .  C

Q.80 Robert is travelling on his cycle and has calculated to reach point A at 2 P.M. if he travels at 10 kmph, he will reach there at 12 noon if he travels at 15 kmph. At what speed must he travel to reach A at 1 P.M.?

(A) 8 kmph

(B) 11 kmph

(C) 12 kmph

(D) 14 kmph

Ans .  C

Q.81 A thief is noticed by a policeman from a distance of 200 m. The thief starts running and the policeman chases him. The thief and the policeman run at the rate of 10 km and 11 km per hour respectively. What is the distance between them after 6 minutes?

(A) 100 m             

(B) 150 m

(C) 190 m             

(D) 200 m

Ans .  A

Q.82 In covering a distance of 30 km, Abhay takes 2 hours more than Sameer. If Abhay doubles his speed, then he would take 1 hour less than Sameer. Abhay's speed is:

(A) 5 kmph

(B) 6 kmph

(C) 6.25 kmph

(D) 7.5 kmph

Ans .  A

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