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Time and Work Aptitude Questions for Bank PO and SSC Exams

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Time and Work Problems and Solutions

Q.21 If four men with 9 boys can do a piece of work in 1 1/5 days, and 3 men with 6 boys can do the same work in 1 5/7 days, how long would 1 boy alone take to do the work?

(A) 36

(B) 18

(C) 30

(D) 42

Ans .  B

Q.22 Three rent a pasture for Rs. 660. The first uses it for 50 sheep for a month and 2nd for 40 sheep for 3 months and the 3rd for 46 sheep for 5 months. How much should the first pay?

(A) Rs. 76

(B) Rs. 82.50

(C) Rs. 98

(D) Rs. 85

Ans .  B

Q.23 The wages of labourers in a factory increased in the ratio 22:25 and there was reduction in the labourers in the ratio 15:11. Find the original wage bill if the present bill is Rs. 5000.

(A) Rs. 5000

(B) Rs. 6000

(C) Rs. 7000

(D) Rs. 8000

Ans .  B

Q.24 Rs. 78 is divided among 7 men, 11 women and 5 boys so that each woman may have thrice as much as a boy and as much as a man and a boy together. Find the share of a man?

(A) Rs. 1.50

(B) Rs. 3.00

(C) Rs. 4.50

(D) Rs. 6.00

Ans .  B

Q.25 A garrison of 2200 men has provision for 16 weeks at 4.5 kg per day per man. How many men must leave so that the same provision may last 24 weeks at 3.3 kg per man?

(A) 200 men

(B) 600 men

(C) 300 men

(D) 2000 men

Ans .  A

Q.26 If the work done by a man, a woman and a child be in the ratio 3:2:1 and if there be in the factory 20 men, 30 women and 36 children whose weekly wages amount to Rs. 78, what will be the wages of 15 men 21 women and 30 children for 2 weeks?

(A) Rs.111

(B) Rs. 114

(C) Rs. 117

(D) Rs. 127

Ans .  C

Q.27 If A is thrice as good a workman as B and so takes 60 days less than B for doing a job. Find the time in which they can do it together?

(A) 90/4 days

(B) 18 days

(C) 30 days

(D) 25 days

Ans .  A

Q.28 2 women A and B can mow a field in 8 and 12 hrs. respectively. They work for an hour alternately A beginning at 9 a.m. When will the work be completed?

(A) 3.30 pm

(B) 4.30 pm

(C) 6.30 pm

(D) 5.30 pm

Ans .  C

Q.29 To do a piece of work, B takes 3 times as long as A and C together, and C takes twice as long as A and B together. If the three together can complete the work in 10 days, how long would A take by himself?

(A) 36 days

(B) 18 days

(C) 30 days

(D) 24 days

Ans .  D

Q.30 If 18 men and 10 boys can do in a day as much work as 10 men and 22 boys. How much should a man be paid a day if a boy is to get Rs. 5 a day?

(A) Rs. 9.00

(B) Rs. 6.00

(C) Rs. 7.50

(D) Rs. 5.50

Ans .  C

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